Chapter 3: Journal Entries

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Warnings:there are no warnings in this chapter :)

7-14 journal entry:He's gone, he never came back, where is he, I wouldn't know but what would I know?
Douma never came home last night and it's starting to scare me. He really broke our promise. He never did that, especially after we linked pinkies. He never broke a good promise. But why was he gone? I don't feel like talking to Hana about this because she'd make a big deal about and say something really stupid which isn't what I want to hear right now. I just want to know if he's ok. I want him back and with me. I've never been away from him and I guess I never realized what life was like without him. It's like he filled an empty hole in my heart but now it's gone again.

7-15 journal entry: it's day two without him and I'm starting to go crazy from being bored. I can't talk to Hana for reasons I listed yesterday but I guess I'm fine. At least somewhat fine. Lets just say I haven't eaten ever since he left.

7-16 journal entry: people started noticing Douma's disappearance. How do I know? Well maybe because everyone is coming to me to ask where he is and why he's gone. I feel terrible like it's all my fault. Especially because I ignored my gut feeling and my best friend could've been dead. I still haven't eaten and quite frankly I don't plan to. I don't have an appetite right now and I don't think I ever will again. It seems like eternal sleep or as douma would say eternal Paradise, is the best way to go right now.

7-17 journal entry: day 4 without douma. I can't even sleep anymore. It hurts me to know that he's gone. That he could be dead. And that I lost my first ever friend.
Hana finally figured out that I had stopped eating and she shoved a rice ball down my throat. She a good friend but DAMN can she be aggressive and protective. She said she'd be bringing me breakfast, lunch and dinner and she wouldn't leave me alone unless I ate at least some of it. Based off of the dinner she just gave me when she meant some of it she meant all of the food. I wasn't allowed to be left alone unless it was all gone.

7-18 journal entry: Hana keeps giving me food and makes me eat some of it (aka all of it to be precise) but the only part about it is that I throw up after eating. It's like my body can't process food anymore and that empty whole in my heart is still there.

7-18 4:30 PM at the temple

There was a knock at the door.
Hana opened the door to see a man almost as tall as Douma, with dirty blonde hair that curves out at the sides.
*Here's a visual* 

*I don't know how to explain this man's hair I'm very sorry*

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*I don't know how to explain this man's hair I'm very sorry*

The man also had blue eyes similar to Hana's.
Hana's eyes widen at the sight of the man.

Emma sat there in her room grieving about everything when Hana slid the door open.
"Y/N! Guess what!?"
"what Hana" your voice sounded depressing.
" Oh don't be so down! But anyway so you know my brother that I've told you about! "
" Yeah I remember you talking about him"
Hana's face was lit with a smile " well guess what?! He came to visit today! "
The tall man with the dirty blonde hair stepped to the side of the door frame and leaned on it. "Hey , my name is Iro ... And you are?"
The man was fairly handsome and had defined features. It would've been hard to see the resemblance between Hana and him if their eyes weren't the same color.

"I'm Y/N... It's nice to meet you Iro" your voice still sounded fairly depressed.
"And it's nice to meet you Ms.Y/N"
You wondered why he was here, why Hana had this little smirk that told the entire story and that she'd been up to something... Planning something...

"Iro you wouldn't mind if I had a word with your sister alone would you?"

Iro nodded his head "ok I'll let you two be then... I'll just be down the hall"

Hana closed the door behind her and Iro went down the hall exploring the temple.

" Hana... What are you up to? I saw that smirk you had"
She swatted her hand slightly and had a smile on her face.
" oh nothing" A lie
"Listen I had no idea he was coming here"
Another lie
You raised an eyebrow
"I'll figure it out somehow and if you don't believe me then so be it"
Hana nodded her head then opened the door to go looking for her brother.

Iro had been walking down a hallway and the whole walking he saw a picture... A picture of Y/N and Douma from what the date said it was from two years ago.

They were smiling at each other... No, they were laughing about something.

Iro took the picture off the wall to look at it better. Y/N looked... Happier than who he'd just met... Healthier than the beautiful girl he'd met.
Iro wondered what the entire deal with the difference in the picture and in real life was. He wanted to know who the guy was and what effect he had on Y/N.
Iro flipped the picture to the back and saw the names Y/N and Douma.
Iro wanted to be the replacement of Douma.

7-19 journal entry: it still feels empty inside. Like there's nothing to look forward to. Iro, the guy Hana brought in, Hana's brother, had come to check up on me  quite frequently today. I didn't want to see him though. Even if he was fairly handsome and had a nice personality. I wanted to see Douma.

Authors note

I hope you guys don't mind the new character. I just thought it'd be fun to add a little spice into the story and it will get spicy I promise but you must have patience my fellow readers anyway here's a drawing I made for the looks of Iro

 I just thought it'd be fun to add a little spice into the story and it will get spicy I promise but you must have patience my fellow readers anyway here's a drawing I made for the looks of Iro

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Btw:the next chapter will be about douma and his days.

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