chapter 13: Douma?

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Y/N's pov
"I'm gonna allow you to go outside for the night" that deep voice of my fiance said, not even looking at me.
He stood with his back facing me .
I said nothing to him.
My head perked up to here what the condition was.
"... You must stay by Akaza's side the whole time"
He snapped his finger and there was a sound of a biwa stum.
Y/N felt a presence behind her so she flinched and turned around to find a man with pink hair , yellow eyes and blue stripes along his skin.
'thats the demon who was fighting with douma that one day'
Her eyes widened slightly.
Akaza looked at her back and let's just say it was 10 very awkward seconds until Muzan broke the silence.
"I'll be back by sun rise and I expect her here by sun rise can you handle that Akaza?"
Those yellow eyes of his stopped staring at me and finally went to his Lord.
"Yes Lord Muzan"
The biwa stunned again and just like that Muzan was gone.
Akaza turned his attention to you.
"Where are we going" the demon spoke.
You said nothing, instead you grabbed his wrist and walked out of the house.

(Akaza is literally a dog on a leash now 😊)

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(Akaza is literally a dog on a leash now 😊)

Douma's pov
For the last couple days I've been getting to know Hana really well.
I've learned many things about her and I'm starting to get why Y/N hangs out with her so much now. She really knows how to calm people down or cheer people up.

"You know what... I miss Y/N, you miss Y/N we should totally go to the market!"
I look at her, the smile I usually wore wasn't on my face.
"I don't know Hana..." I said in a tired voice with a sigh.
"Oh come on Lord Douma it'd be good to get out of the temple"
My eyes wander down to the floor then back up to those blue eyes she had.
"Fine let's go"

Y/N's pov:
     I dragged Akaza like a dog on a leash though the crowd, let's just be honest here I had no idea where I was .
   The lights were bright here, people were... Tall and overwhelming... It got a bit out of hand so I spotted a stand that was pretty empty and continued to drag Akaza over there. I don't know what was more funny, the fact that I was dragging upper moon 3 like a dog or the fact that he was letting me.
   Once I was at the stand I looked at the items they offered, acting interest at the odd artifacts. Akaza stood by my side as I acted interested, he didn't seem to care at all.

     Something at the stand caught my eye, a lotus flower pin with a red and black design along its sides.

    Douma immediately came to my mind as I ran a hand across it then looked down at the ground beneath me.

    It got awkward just standing there so I left the stand and Akaza followed. A concept that I despised entirely but had to tolerate.

    I felt as if someone was watching me , but who? It could have been anyone's gaze that I felt saying that there were hundreds of people in the street but I only felt one gaze, a strong gaze to be completely honest.
   I walked faster but the feeling of someone watching only grew stronger. I hated this feeling and it started to show on my face.
"Are you alright?" Akaza's voice sounded soothing in this moment, comforting almost.

   I opened my mouth to speak and assure him but everything went black.

Douma's pov:
Walking in the market wasn't actually that bad, looking at the impressive work that some people made and even the people and their acts they put up were quite interesting.
   But there was something that bothered me in the crowd of people around us. Not Hana, not someone that could danger us, but it was a presence I remembered but just could figure it out.

   That's when I saw that H/C hair .
'Y/N' I thought as I hesitated before pushing through the crowd and following.

    I followed and chased the sight of the H/C hair in every direction it turned.
Like a cat hunting a mouse you could say.
The smell of her marechi blood surrounded my senses and I knew it for sure that is wad Y/N at that moment.

The cat watches it's prey, the mouse has no idea and looks around cluelessly at the feel of a Gaze unknown. The smell of the mouse rushes through the Cat's nose and the cat follows as if it were its first prey in decades.
Creeping closer.... And closer... And closer until SNATCH.

Muzan's pov:
    The biwa strummed two times and there were two figures, upper moon 1 kokushibo and upper moon 4 Hantengu.
"She's missing and I want you to find her as soon as possible and make sure to bring her and the person who took her here, alive"
That deep voice sounded and he threw the paper that held the agreement of marriage through a thumb print of blood.
Both the demons took a wiff of the blood printed on the paper .
"Yes master muzan" Kokushibo responded.
Two biwa noises strummed again and they were gone just like that.
The demon lord with raven black hair clenched his fist and spoke under his breath.
"Whoever took you... I will find you and kill the one that took you away from me"

Y/N's pov:
   When I woke up my body was in a room I recognized but never knew where I was.
My head was pounding and things were still a bit blurry.
    When I decided to finally at least sit up I rubbed my eyes and propped my body to sit up, thats when I saw those familiar rainbow eyes... But this time they were filled with the kanji , upper 2.


Authors note
I hope you enjoyed reading, I'm sorry I haven't been updating as often, lately I haven't been motivated or creative and I need some inspiration sometimes but otherwise I hope you guys are ok with that :)

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