Arc 2: Chapter 2

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I just wanted to let you guys know that this chapter will be shorter than usual but the quality will be the same :)


"Who the fuck knocked you up?!" Said that perky bastard, Akio.

"Shut the fuck up." I retorted.

"Aw are those pregnancy hormones already kicking in?"

I had enough of his bullshit so I threw my pillow at him as hard as I could.

"OW! Gosh you should really-"


Akari and Chiyo burst through the door. "Lady Y/N! We just heard the news! Are you ok?" Akari questioned

"do you have morning sickness?" Chiyo then asked.

"What about cramps I heard those are possible?!"

"WOAH, WOAH girls," Sakura walked through the door. "Give the lady some space." Sakura had that calm persona that she always had and she always would have in my opinion. "out." And with those simple words the three of them scrambled out the door. "Are you doing ok? I know those three can be a handful at moments." Her lips curved into a soft smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I fidgeted with my thumbs to stop thinking about the situation.

"Is it ok if I ask who the father is?" Sakura sat down on the bed next to mine.

"I'd rather not say." 'I don't know' is what I should've said but that probably would've cause plenty of confusion that would spread to her head, to the whole mansion. This place may be big but its all so small at the same time.

"That's perfectly fine if that's your choice." The top of her head bowed and pointed slightly lower than it usually would be. "If you ever want to talk then I'm here" She pushed herself off the bed and walked over the door and put her hand on the frame. Her body movements paused and her eyes gazed over me. I was staring out the window which outside was filled with a beautiful willow tree. Maybe I'd go view it later, but right now I feel like throwing up if I had to be purely honest.


I ended up falling asleep.

Woke up and hour later.

Then heard the sounds of swords swinging outside.

I raised my head up and got out of bed, I felt so different as I walked. I didn't have a baby bump so why such the difference?

When I got outside I looked around the corner and saw Emiko. Her hair was pulled back in a pony tail and every time she swung her swords her platinum hair swung the other way. She was in a different outfit than the uniform she usually wears. She wore a Royal blue kimono, the colored matched her eyes perfectly.


"Why the kimono?" I stepped into view and Emiko looked completely unsuprised of my presence.

"Because a good slayer will be prepared to fight in any circumstance. If I must fight in my kimono then I shall fight in my kimono, undergarments, fight, 5 inch platforms, fight. I'm always ready and Its been that way for the past seven years." She put her sword in the belt of her kimono.

"Has the... undergarments situation actually happened?" I held an awkward expression.

"yes but that's not the point."

I tried my best not to think about her fighting in her undergarments.

"I heard the news." Her soft voice led on as she wiped a tear of sweat off her forehead. "Are you Excited or completely terrified to become a mother?"

Her question actually made me think. But that was just Emiko for you, she was mysterious, she made everyone think. "I'm...honestly both." I let out a sigh

"So you have no Idea who the father is?" Her eyes look up to mine which are now fully widened.


"I heard your conversation with Sakura... but then again I hear all conversations in this mansion." Her shoulder move up and down in a shrug as if what she said was nothing.

"Yes but I never said I didn't know." I was sweating now, I painted out the sentence.

"Yes I know," she threw me a towel to wipe the sweat breaking from my forehead. "I implied it."

My brows furrowed. 

"It was in your tone. Sakura and the others are quite dumb if they didn't figure it out."

"Can you not tell anyone?" I cross my arms over my torso and look down. "please?"

"Of course." she smiles softly but then out of nowhere there's a bell that rings in the distance and yells that come from the little girls, Akari and Chiyo.


I do have A few announcement as the author of this story and those are that I will be publishing a story of Emiko's backstory. This will be separate from the entire Bloody love series and this will be and OC story, not a Y/N story. Ill post the cover serperatly because I have to make a few drawings for the cover.

Secondly I would like to let those of you that really liked my art to know that my tik tok user is ems.drawing3 . This account is made for my drawings and has a few other things in there but not much else so if you want more art then that's where you can find it :)

Also if there are any other platforms that you would like me to post on then I would be glad to take those platforms and make an account so that way you can read more stories and see more art.

And for those of you that wonder why I haven't been posting chapters, I have been writing a book that is not demon slayer related and it my own story along with finishing my reading goals every month .

Anyway I just wanted to thank y'all for staying this far in the story and I hope you really do enjoy the story :)


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