chapter 4:Hungry days

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Chapter Warnings : blood and violence

Douma's pov:
My thirst for blood and flesh grew by the second... I was starving... Muzan had told me to kill humans and devour them but... Was that really me? Douma, a murderer ... What would Y/N think of that. But then again... She wouldn't want me to starve.

The smell of humans nearby made me drool. I stood up fast, like really fast. Is this what being a demon made of me?
That didn't matter all I wanted to do was eat.
My senses took over and I ran towards the place where the humans lived. I was fast, faster then when I stood up. There was only one house in the woods but it would do for the time being.
Sliding open the door the smell of humans flesh under fresh skin had an effect of me. The family was asleep... 2 adults and 1... 2... 3... 4 children. All together there were 6 future victims. 'at least they'll be asleep for their death... I just have to make it quick , quite and painless.' Thats all I had to do.

Quickly I killed them all... And before I knew it I was devouring the mother of the family. Sinking my teeth into her skin and tasting the blood made me feel a burst of power flow through my veins. And I kept devouring her till the bone.
The same happened to the rest of the family.

The powers flowing in my veins made me want to test my strength. My muscles that weren't very visible through my shirt then were now most definitely visible. I felt different and I liked it.

The sun started to rise outside so I stayed inside and thought about Y/N and what she would think...
'is she mad I broke my promise'
'is she okay'
'is she off with another guy? "
If she was off with a guy I wouldn't have been surprised... Y/N was beautiful, there was no doubt about it.
My first tightened at the thought of her with someone else.
I looked back at my fan and had an idea with it. It was a normal fan that was gold and had lotuses on it.
I grabbed knife sharpener and started to sharpen the tips.
If I was going to be killing people I might as well have a proper weapon I thought to myself.
The sound of metal on metal Sharpening made his ears ring. And he enjoyed it.
The process repeatedly I've and over again until his fan was made into a dual blade.
Douma ran a finger over the sharp part and his finger bled with the slightest touch.
He lucked the blood off his finger and watched the wound heal.
His eyes widened at this process and he smiled widely. His sharp fangs showing.
He then also took notice in his skin being so pale... It looked as if he was dead.
The new demon walked over to a mirror nearby and looked at himself in it.
All of his skin was pale
It looked like blood was dumped on his head.
His nails were sharp and a blueish purple.
Other then any other thing he looked like he did as a human which made him question the transformation.
Douma had heard of demons before but they'd always been described as looking so unhuman it was obvious they were demons but douma on the other hand... Could definitely pass as a human.

For the rest of day until the sun went down and he could hunt again he trained and practiced his fighting skills of the house of the family he had just devoured that night.

Douma knew it wasn't safe to be around that special person named Y/N so he decided that he wouldn't go back until his thirst for human flesh and blood was under control.

As the sun descended he went outside and ran off to find his next victims to become stronger. The nearest place had multiple houses so the night would be a better kill filled with more power.
There were 5 identical houses that could fit about 5 people in each house so his estimate was that he would kill and devour about 25 people which meant he'd have to start now or never.

He went into the first house but this time the family was awake.
Douma knew that if he wanted to kill all of them he'd have to kill them just like the night before. Quickly,quietly and painless.

Douma's sharp fan swatted out and before the humans knew he was even there the blade was slicing the family in the most fatal places. Chest, neck, head, stomach. He killed them all within seconds and this time as he smelt the blood his eyes eyes a woman who's blood stood out over the rest... More rare then the rest. It made him more hungry and his movements slowed down before devouring the woman but after the woman was nothing but bones douma felt more surge hit him then any other human had. His process with his killing continued in all the rest of the houses and he devoured and killed each and every single one. Then this process continued for two more days.
When those two days ended his nose smelled a human once more but he didn't feel the urge to devour the human... He had restraint ... Did this mean he could finally see his Y/N... His best friend.

He quickly killed the human just to sustain his hunger before seeing Y/N once again. He didn't want any chance of killing her. That girl Y/N was too precious for him to lose... And he most definitely didn't want to lose her to his own hands.

His journey back made him smile brightly at the thought of seeing Y/N once again but then his thought came back.
'what if she's mad at me? '
I shake my head and say to myself "I can't let that get to my head"
I found myself back at the temple when I slid the door open Hana was there and her eyes widened.
"Go to Y/N's room NOW"

I walked up to the slide door which was the entrance to her room and slid it open. There was a guy there... Dirty blond... Blue eyes similar to Hana's but that wasn't what bothered me.
There she was... Y/N...She looked sick... Sleep deprived and like she hadn't eaten at all in the week I was gone . It reminded me of when we were kids which made me want to cry...

When I first met Y/N she was scrawny which showed she'd been living in an abusive household all this time... Another reason I took her in.

"Y/N." I said with worried and I took a step in her room.
Y/N looked up at me and tears had already filled her eyes as she ran up to me "Douma!"
She cried and hugged me tighter then she ever had.
I hugged her back but as soon as her face was in my chest like all our other hugs I said "your going to eat and then your going to sleep you got that... That wasn't a question it was an order"
She nodded her head in my chest and we walked over to the kitchen to get food.
And in my mind I said
'everything will be back to normal'
'I Promise you that Y/N'

                             Authors note
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter to show what Douma was doing during his days of missing.

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