Chapter 4: move on?

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I'm still in love with him. How? It's been years, but why does he still make my heart race? Ugh. It's driving me crazy.

All the guys went to practice and me and Norah decided to come to The Grill, where the one and only Taylor Perez works. The girl that Brennen is in love with. I didn't tell Norah about what Brennen told me, it wasn't my secret to tell. But god, was I jealous of Taylor. I watched her as she served her customers with a smile on her face. I get why he was obsessed with her, she was gorgeous. How could she not like Brennen? He was funny, attractive and sweet.

I would kill to have Brennen love me.

"Are you listening?" I hear Norah's voice.

I push my thoughts away and look at her.

"What?" I ask.

She sighs.

"I was saying how we should get jobs or something and save up some money to get an apartment." She explains.

"Oh yeah, that's smart." I smile.

She nods before eating her fries.

I look back at Taylor, she carries a bunch of empty plates in her hand and takes them to the kitchen.

"Did you know Taylor's Garrett's first girlfriend?" I ask Norah.

She nods.

"Yeah, she changed him a lot." She tells me.

"Really? How?" I ask, intrigued.

"He used to be a fucking whore, he'd hookup with so many girls. It was crazy, he tried to hookup with me the first time we met but Brennen told him to fuck off." She explains.

I stare at Taylor as she starts wiping the bar counters.

"But how'd she change him?" I ask.

Norah shrugs.

"Did you know she was a bet?" I ask Norah.

She nods.

"Garrett told me." She says.

"And he just fell in love with her?" I ask.

"Well, from what he told me, the first time they kissed, he fell for her. But he didn't want to lose the bet so he didn't tell Brennen." She tells me.

"So he hasn't hooked up with any other girl since Tay-Tay?" I ask.

She nods.

"Wow." I say.

"Why are you so interested in their relationship? Do you like Garrett or something?" She asks.

"What? No. I just thought it was an interesting story." I tell her.

She frowns.

"Seriously, Norah. I would never crush on another girl's man." I say.

"Okay, I believe you." She says.

We get back to eating before I hear a loud voice from the entrance. I turn and see almost the entire hockey team walk in, laughing and talking.

I spot Brennen laughing with Chris and I smile. I always loved his laugh, it was so contagious.

Chris spots us and he smiles.

"Heyyy!!" He cheers as he and Brennen walk over to us.

"Hi, Chris." Norah says.

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