Chapter 18: change

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November 25th, 2023

I've been hanging out with Garrett a lot, I'm afraid that I'm falling for him. I mean we've kissed a few times but that's it. We haven't made anything official, I mean I'm not seeing anyone else and from what I know neither has he. He's not at all what I thought. Under all his dirty jokes and immature behavior, he's really nice and comfortable to talk to. We've been talking over the phone almost every night, it was nice to have someone like that in my life. I mean I have Lily but sometimes having a person who you can share a connection with in a different way is something I didn't think I'd ever need in my life.

It was weird to read Taylor and Garrett's story like this. I never knew that it was this deep, but I guess when you go from hating a person to falling madly in love with them, it's life changing. She really made him a better person. Lily, Jake, and Chris told me how Garrett used to be an asshole and would treat girls like shit but I never believed them. He always seemed so respectful and sweet but I guess that was because of Taylor.

There's a knock on my bedroom door, I quickly close the journal and hide in my backpack.

"Come in." I say.

The door opens and Norah and Taylor walk in.

"Hi, do you wanna come to the hockey game with us?" Norah asks.

"You're going?" I ask her.

"Yeah, Lily was supposed to come but she had a last minute assignment to finish so Taylor invited me because she doesn't wanna go alone." She explains.

"Yeah, and if I don't go, Garrett will kill me because I'm his lucky underwear." Taylor says.

I frown.

"Long story." She smiles.

"Okay, sure, let me change." I say.

They nod before walking out.

I quickly changed into some jeans and a shirt before walking downstairs where Brennen was doing some weird leg lift in the living room.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask.

"Psychical therapy." He says.

I laugh.

"You look stupid." I sneer.

"Shut up." He says.

I smile just as Norah and Taylor walk into the room.

Brennen quickly sits up and smiles at Taylor. I roll my eyes, he's such a fool.

"You wanna come with us?" She asks.

"Nah, watching hockey will make me want to die more than I already do." He says.

Taylor nods before we say our goodbyes and make our way to her car. I sit in the passenger seat and we all head over to the arena.

The place is packed when we get there, Taylor has front row seats to the game. Probably because she's the girlfriend of the captain.

"Taylor!" an old man cheers as we make our way to our seats.

"Hey, Phil." Taylor smiles as she sits next to him.

I sit next to her and Norah sits on the other side of me.

"You are ready to cheer our favorite player on as usual." He smiles.

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