Chapter 32: the secret

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"Norah, I'm sorry." I whisper.

I felt sick to my stomach. The secret was out, everyone knew. Everyone knew what we were hiding. I didn't want it to get out like this. I didn't know who to be mad at, Josh or me and Brennen.

I feel tears form in my eyes as I look at my best friend.

"You made me feel like I was crazy for thinking there was something going on between you guys." She says.

I let out a sob and shook my head.

"You aren't crazy." I say.

She looked at her brother who was staring at us in shock.

"Just when I think we're getting close again, I find out this?" She asks.

I knew this was hurting her just as much. The three of us used to be so close, we were the only true friends we had back then. Even when Brennen and I got together, we were all still good friends. But then it all fell apart.

I smile as I walk into school and see Brennen standing at his locker. He has been really distant recently, but I think he was just dealing with his mental health.

I walk up to him and smile.

"Hi." I say.

"Hey." He looks at me with a tired look.

"You okay? You've been kinda distant these past few days." I say.

"Yeah, just tired." He says.

I smile and nod.

"Are we still going out for lunch?" I ask.

He looks at me and sighs, "I can't, I gotta work on my senior seminar project. Let's meet after school?" He asks.

I feel my heart ache a little, I wanted to hangout with him.

"Sure." I smile.

"See ya." He says before walking away.

He didn't say 'I love you'.

He always does.

Did I do something? Was I being clingy? I just really wanted to be around him, after everything that happened, I knew he'd blame himself, so I thought that maybe if I just showed him how much he meant to me, he wouldn't blame it all on him.

"We are close, Norah. You're my sister, we'll always be close." He says as he stands up.

She shakes her head, "Bullshit." She says before she storms out of the room and out the front door.

I look at Brennen and he looks at me before we both run after her. We ran outside and I called out her name but she ignored me and continued to walk down the driveway.

"Norah!" Brennen yells.

"What?" She yells as she turns around and looks at us.

"Let's just talk it out." I say.

"Talk about what, Jules? Huh? How you two have been fucking each other and hanging out behind my back and then making me feel like I was paranoid and stupid for thinking anything of it?" She yells.

"It wasn't like that, Norah!" Brennen yells.

"So you're telling me that you two didn't sleep together or do anything?" She asks.

The Secret (Book 2 in The Deception Series) Where stories live. Discover now