Chapter 17: not even Taylor

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I stuff my stuff into my backpack and make my way out of class before my professor calls me. I walk over to him and watch as he moves a bunch of papers around his desk.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Oh, there's a spot in the government class on campus, and I was wondering if you'd be interested. I know you wanna pursue hockey, but I think it's safe for you to have a backup job. And since you're so skilled in writing and reading, I think you should lean towards law." He explains.

I look down at my knee and then back at him.

"Can I think about it?" I ask.

He nods.

"Let me know by tomorrow." He says.

I nod before walking out of the class.

Law? A lawyer? That's insane. I know nothing about being a lawyer. It's always been hockey for me. Never law.
I stood in the courtyard, waiting for Garrett to come pick me up since I couldn't drive.

He finally shows up and helps me into the car before we make our way home.

"My professor wants me to join a government class." I tell him.

"Oh, Taylor's in government." He says.

I look at him.

She is.

"Oh yeah. I don't know though. He thinks I'd be a good lawyer." I explain.

He nods.

"What about hockey?" He asks.

I shrug.

"I don't know anymore, man. We don't even know if I'll be able to play again." I say.

"Sorry, man." He says.

"It's whatever." I sigh.

"Well, I think you should join. See how it is, if you don't like it, so what? At least you tried." He says.

I nod, "Yeah, I guess I could try." I reply.

And I'd get to be with Taylor.


I wait in my room, staring at the clock. I hear her laugh from Garrett's room and I groan, it was 1 in the morning. Can't they just go to sleep already? Goddamn.

I roll over and grab my phone off the charger on my nightstand and text the one person who could get my mind off Taylor.

Me: You awake?

I wait a second before she begins typing.

Jules: Yup.

I smile at the text.

Me: Hmmmmm

Jules: Get your ass in here

Me: Yes, ma'm.

I chuckle before getting up and slowly opening my bedroom door, making sure not to make a noise. I walk down the hallway to the guest room and knock slightly. Norah was staying in the guest room downstairs so she couldn't hear me but I was still anxious about her finding out. I open the bedroom door and walk in, closing it behind me and locking it. I looked over at Jules who was sitting on the bed, scrolling through her phone. She looks at me and smiles before I jump on the bed next to her.

"Hi." I whisper.

"Hey." She says before I lean in and kiss her.

She giggles as I pull her on top of me, my lips never leaving hers. She pulls away and looks down at me as she straddles me.

"What?" I ask.

She shakes her head.

"Isn't this wrong?" She asks.

I sigh.

"She can't choose who you get to hookup with, Julianna." I say.

She sighs and looks down at her hands that were resting on my stomach.

"Come here." I say as I pull her back to me.

She smiles against my lips and I kiss her passionately before pulling away.

"Just forget about it when you're with me, okay? Just me and you in this room, no one else." I tell her.

"Not even Taylor?" She asks.

I look at her.

"Not even Taylor." I repeat.

And it was true, when I was with Jules, everything I've ever felt for Taylor disappeared. My mind and feelings are all on Jules. We continue to make out and I pull her shirt over her head as she runs her hands down my torso.

I groan as she grinds her hips against my hard dick.

She moves her hands to my sweatpants and goes to untie them before we hear a knock at the door.

We both pull apart and look at the door.

"Jules?" I hear my sister's voice.


"Hide." She whispers.

I quickly get up and run into the closet, closing the door and hiding behind the clothes hanging on the rack.

"One sec." Jules says.

I hear her open the door and say hi to my sister.

"I left my phone charger in here earlier." Norah says.

"Oh, okay." Jules says.

I heard footsteps, my heart was beating like crazy, it could probably burst any moment now.

"Alright, goodnight." Norah says before the footsteps disappear.

I let out a sigh of relief as I heard the door close and lock. The closet door opens and I see Jules standing there laughing at me.

I chuckle before walking up to her and grabbing her hips, pulling her closer to me. I kiss her passionately before she pulls away.

"That gave me flashbacks when we first started dating in highschool." She says.

"Yeah, except she didn't care that we were together back then." I tell her.

"Yeah, now she'd rip our eyes out if she found out we were sleeping together." She laughs.

"Which makes it ten times more fun." I say.

She smiles and nods before kissing me. And then we had sex again, really good sex. And I didn't think about Taylor once.

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