Chapter 6: enough damage

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I ran downstairs, fighting my tears. Why do I let him hurt me every time? Why does he have so much power over me?
I run into the kitchen and look around. I needed to hook up with someone. Now. I look at the back of the room and see Taylor and Garrett, laughing and talking. What did she have that I didn't? I just don't get it. Why was she the one who got to be loved by him and not me?
None of it was fair.

All I ever wanted was Brennen Bartels to love me.

"Jules!" I hear Norah call from behind me.

I turn around and see her run up to me.

"Hey." I say, my eyes felt heavy.

"Are you high?" She laughs.

I nod.

She smiles.

"You got high by yourself?" She questions.

Fuck. Lie, Jules.

"Uh, yeah. I was bored." I lied to her.

She nods.

Thank god. She'd kill me if she knew I got high with her brother and then tried to kiss him.

"I'm gonna go hook up with someone." I say before walking away.

I walk into the living room and see a group of guys talking and drinking. I smirk before making my way towards them.

"Hi guys." I smile.

They all look at me and frown.

"Hi?" One of them says.

"So, which one of you wanna go makeout?" I slur out.

They all look at each other and one who greeted me shrugs.

"Sure." He says.

I smile as he hands his drink to his friend.

He takes my hand and we make our way to the front door just as Brennen walks downstairs. He looks at me and the guy, he gives me a pointed look. I smirk before flipping him off.

We walk out the door and he leads me to his car. I smile as we climb into the back of his car. He tried to have a conversation with me but I was not having it so I kissed him. He kisses me back and we start to make out until all our clothes disappear.

We fuck. It was pretty good but I've had better.


"God, she always acts like a fucking kid!" I hear someone yell.

I open my eyes and feel my head pounding like there was someone hitting it with a hammer. I slowly sit up and take in where I was, the living room of Brennen's house. It was trashed. I hear voices from the kitchen, Brennen's voice. I force myself off the couch and walk towards the kitchen.

I walk in and see Brennen and all the guys standing there.

"Dude, it's fine." Garrett says.

"No! I'm so done!" Brennen yells.

I clear my throat and they all turn to me.

"Now you wake up." He rolls his eyes.

I frown.

"What?" I ask.

"The guy you fucked last night almost kidnapped you. If I didn't come out there he would've driven away with you knocked out in the back seat of his car!" He yells.

Oh shit.

"Sorry." I mutter.

"What were you thinking, Julianna? What if I didn't see you leave with him? Huh? What would've happened to you?" He snaps.

"I didn't know he would be a kidnapper!" I yell back.

"Yeah, because you always act so fucking stupid sometimes!" He shouts.

"Brennen." Jake warns.

"It's so fucking annoying how you always get pissed and go do some stupid shit for attention!" He continues to yell at me.

My chest hurts from all the words he was yelling at me.

How could he say all that to me?

"Grow up, Jules!" He objects.

"Why don't you stop being such a dick to me?" I snap back.

He stares at me.

"I wouldn't have to be a dick if you just learned how to be mature for once in your goddamn life." He says before he makes his way out of the kitchen before Taylor appears in the doorway.
She frowns as he stops walking and looks at her. I fight back tears and stare at his face, his look softens.

"Are you okay?" She asks him.

He shrugs before walking past her.

She watches him walk away before looking back at everyone else. I looked at Garrett who was frowning at their interaction.

Tay-Tay walks over to Garrett who looks down at her.

"What was that look he gave you?" He asks her.

She gives him a pointed look.

"You're overthinking it, babe." She says as she places a kiss on his cheek.

But he wasn't. I wanted to tell him right here, I was so mad at Brennen that I wanted to tell his friend that Brennen has been in love with Taylor since the day they met.

But I didn't. Because it wasn't my secret to tell.


The house was quiet. Everyone was at school except me and Norah. It hasn't been this quiet since we got here. It's weird.

I lay on the couch and stare at the tv screen, I was bored as fuck. I groan as I stuff my face into the pillow.

"You good?" Norah asks,

"I'm bored." I tell her.

"I can tell." She laughs.

"When do the guys get back?" I ask.

"Not till late, they have practice." She explains.

I sigh.

We both go quiet again and just continue to watch tv before she breaks the silence.

"Hey, there's nothing going on between you and Brennen, right?" She asks.

I frown as I sit up.

"What?" I ask.

"I mean, I just feel a lot of tension between the two of you and I really don't want the two of you to make this complicated again." She explains.

I suck in my breath.

"Yeah, I know." I say.

"So nothing's going on between you guys?" She asks again.
I shake my head.

"Nothing is happening. Don't worry." I partially lied to her.

I didn't need to add anymore shit to her life. I've done enough damage already.

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