Chapter 23: stay by her side

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"Dude, this is way too fancy, don't you think?" Garrett says as he stares at the suit he is wearing.

"Trust me, that's perfect for this. The Gomez family are rich people." I tell him as I fix up my tie.

The whole group was staying at a hotel right now, it was an hour away from my parent's place but only like 20 minutes away from Jules'. I was kind of regretting coming, her parents can't stand me and now I'm showing up at their party unannounced with all my friends.

I turn to Garrett and see him looking in the mirror with a frown on his face. He stares at himself and fixes his hair up. He looked insecure, it was weird. He was never insecure, he was Garrett Gray, and he knew he was attractive and funny. I hope he's okay.

There's a knock on the door so I walk over and open it to reveal Taylor. I stare at her as my pulse increases, she is beautiful. She had a small sage green dress on.

She stares at me before pushing past me towards her boyfriend. I sigh as I watch her walk up to him, he smiles down at her and places a kiss against her lips.

"You look very nice." She says as she fixes his tie up a little.

"Really? I feel like I look kind of dumb." He chuckles.

"No, you look really good. I like seeing you in a suit." She says.

His smile grew bigger, and just like that he was back to being a big ego Garrett.

"Are rich people nice?" Garrett asks.

"You're rich." Taylor says.

"Oh yeah, rich in money and in pussy." He smirks.

"Gross." Taylor says.

The hotel room door opens again to reveal fucking Julianna. I stare at her in her tight black dress.


"Aw, you look so pretty, Jules." Taylor tells her.

Jules smiles, "Thank you." She says.

I feel my heart race. This girl gets prettier each time I see her.

She looks at me and smiles, it makes me feel warmer inside.

"Tay-Tay, look." Garrett says.

We all look over at him and see him sitting on the edge of the bed putting his shoes on. I chuckle as I watch him pointing to his pant zipper that was pointing out.

"Ew, you're so gross." Taylor says.

Garrett laughs, "It's a fake boner." He says.

I laugh with him and Taylor sighs.

"You need help." She tells him.

He smirks.

"You're the only one who can help me, Tay-Tay." He says.

"Oh my god." She says before she walks out of the room.

Jules laughs as she watches Garrett follow his girlfriend like a small puppy.

I look at Jules and she looks back at me.

"You look amazing." I tell her.

She smiles, "Thanks." She says.

I suck in my breath as I walk up to her.

She looks up at me as we both feel the tension between us grow stronger.

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