Chapter 33: advice.

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I watched her walk away from me and I felt like I was 18 again. 5 years ago, I broke her heart and mine, I broke everything we had, and I ruined every single memory we shared. From first meeting her when I was 15 to being her first kiss when I was 16, to being her first time when I was 17, and to breaking her heart when I was 18.

"Jules." I whisper.

I knew she wouldn't hear me, she was already walking back into the house and I was standing out on the sidewalk. I turned back to my sister and saw her Uber pull up to pick her up.

How did it all fall apart like this? This whole time I thought everything was fine between the three of us, but we all knew that it'd never be the way it was in high school.

I walk back into the house and walk back into the living room where everyone is sitting, Garrett and Taylor give me a sad look. Jules doesn't even look at me. Josh smirks at me and I feel anger build in me. I never had that big of a temper but right now my blood was boiling.

I walk up to him and punch right in the jaw, gasps fill the room.

"Who are you to fuck with my life?" I yell.

He stands up and stares me dead in the eyes.

"You were using Jules to forget about Taylor." He says.

"No! I was using Taylor to forget about Jules!" I yell.

He stares at me, "Bullshit." He says.

I tackle him to the ground and start throwing punches at his face until he kicks me in the stomach and pushes me off him. I fall back and hit my head on the coffee table and groan.

"Brennen!" I hear someone yell.

I lay on the ground, dripping the back of my head.


I open my eyes and see Jules looking at me.

"You okay?" She asks.

I shake my head.

"Someone get ice." She says as she pulls me to her.

"Leave him, Jules. He's an asshole." Josh says.

"And you're fucking insane!" She yells at him.

He stares at her in shock.

Jason comes back with an ice pack and hands it to Jules. She hands the ice pack to Garrett and he bends down on the ground and holds my head up and places the ice pack on the back of my head.

"You're alright, man." He reassures me.

I close my eyes and lean into Jules. I only wanted to be in her arms right now, no one else's.

"You're such an idiot, Josh." Chris says.

"He's the one who came at me!" Josh snaps.

"And you were the one who was being a nosy fuck and trying to ruin his relationship with his girlfriend and his sister." Taylor snaps back.

"Let's take him home." Jake says.

My friends help me up and we all walk out to the car. Me and Jules get into Garrett's car and he drives us home.

"He's not bleeding, right?" Taylor asks as she turns to look back at us from the passenger seat.

"No, I don't think he is." Jules says.

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