Chapter 31: all my fault

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It was Friday night and the whole group was going to Jason's party. Everyone was excited except Garrett, he wanted to beat the shit out of the dude. But he wouldn't, for Taylor.

I sat in the back of Garrett's car next to my sister, Jules sat on the other side. I hated it. I wanted to be next to her. I took a few glances at her as she talked to Taylor who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Jules had this pretty look to her. It was soft and gentle. It was like a piece of art. It almost felt like she wasn't even real.

I forced myself to look away from her because I wasn't trying to get caught.

We finally get to his house and we all get out just as the rest of our friends pull up.

"Dude, Chris farted in the car and it smelt like ass." Jake says as he walks up to us.

I chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I ate a lot." Chris says.

Garrett laughs at him.

"Let's go." Lily says before we all make our way up the driveway.

We get to the front door and ring the bell.

Garrett throws his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder and I hold in my laugh, he was doing that just to rub it in Jason's face.

The door opens to reveal the one and only Jason.

"Hey guys." He smiles.

We all greet him before walking in. The house wasn't that packed, it was just supposed to be a few people from our government class so I wasn't surprised at the amount of people here.

"Drinks are in the kitchen, we're all hanging out in the living room right now." He says.

"Okay, thanks." Taylor says.

"Yeah, thanks, Justin." Garrett smiles.

"My name is Jason." He replies.

"I know." Garrett smiles before him and Taylor walks away.

I look at Jules and see her giggling. I smile at her and she smiles back as we follow behind our friends.

I quickly slap her ass and she gives me a look, I chuckle at her. I loved sneaking around like this.

We all grab our drinks before heading to the living room. I sat down on the couch next to Jake and Lily, while Jules sat across from us on the couch next to my sister.

She looks at me and I wink at her.

Garrett and Taylor sat in the arm chair, well Taylor sat on Garrett's lap. It was very entertaining watching Garrett try to make Jason jealous.

"Nice party, Justin." He says.

"It's Jason." He says.

"That's what I said, no?" Garrett asks.

Jake laughs and I smile. Taylor looks at Garrett with a pointed look and he just smiles at her like a little kid.

"Hey, Jules." A guy says as he walks into the room, past Jules.

"Hey, Josh." Jules says.

Josh? As in the guy she was with during Garrett's birthday party? The one who showed up at the house for her? The one who heard our entire fight about me kissing Taylor?

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