Chapter 21: memories

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I storm back into the house and see all the guys plus my sister, Lily, and Taylor. They all jump up and cheer as they see me walk in, except Taylor, who was trying to act happy for me but she wanted to kill me for what I did. I don't blame her, I shouldn't have kissed her. I don't know what came over me. I know she won't forgive me until I tell him.

I forced a smile on my face and walked up to them, they had a bunch of drinks out and were blasting music.

"Congrats, motherfucker!" Garrett laughs as he throws his arm over my shoulder.

I laugh as I look at him.

I look at Taylor and see her staring at me, I step away from her boyfriend just as Chris wraps his arms around me.

"Now we can fuck!" He cheers.

I pull away and frown at him, "What is wrong with you?" I ask.

Everyone laughs and I smile. Jake starts pouring everyone drinks and I watch everyone laugh and talk. I loved these people. No matter how much shit that happens between all of us, I'll always love them. It makes me regret kissing Taylor even more, I was a terrible friend. I didn't deserve any of them. I turn around and see Jules walk back inside and she stares at everything that was happening.

"Jules!!" My sister cheers as she runs up to her friend. She grabs Jules's arm and drags her towards us.

Jake hands everyone their drinks and I watch as Jules plaster's a fake smile on her face just like me.

We all hold our cups together in the middle and smile.

"To friends and to Brennen's knee!" Garrett laughs.

"To friends and to Brennen's knee." We all repeat as we cheer and take a sip of our drink.

We all sat around the living room and talked and drank, most of us were happy but 3 people in this room were hiding way too much.



And me.

I continue to chug down more alcohol as the night goes on. Trying as hard as I could to block out all my thoughts.

"Remember that one time during freshman year, the four of us went skinny dipping in the nasty ass lake down the road and then the cops were called because Chris screamed bloody murder because of the cold water." Jake laughs.

I laugh and nod as I try to focus my drunk eyes on him.

"Bro, I remember sprinting down the road naked and fucking cold." Garrett chuckles as he rests his arm over Tay-Tay's shoulder as they both say on the bean bag.

"You guys left me, I almost got caught." Chris says.

We all laugh and shake our heads at him.

I stared at Taylor and Garrett, they were both drunk and he kept whispering into her ear and making her laugh. It was sickening. God, I wish I never made that stupid as bet with him.

Me and the guys laugh as we play 8-ball. Chris was ass at the game, it was funny to watch.

"Do you think Garrett is fucking Taylor in the back of his car right now?" Chris asks.

"I hope not or else my money is going down the drain." I say.

Jake and Chris laugh.

"How much you wanna bet he's gonna fall in love with her?" Chris asks her.

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