Chapter 14: wished

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I chug down a beer as I listen to the blasting music. Brennen and his friends decided to throw a small little hangout with everyone in the backyard. It was pretty fun. I liked his friends, they were fun and nice. Better than his high school friends.

I kick my feet in the water as everyone laughs and talks.

"Cannonball!" Chris screams as he jumps into the pool.

I laugh as water splashes into my face.

I looked at Brennen who was sitting on a chair, while Garrett stood next to him talking. They laughed together and I smiled at him. He was so cute.

"Let's play chicken!" Chris cheers.

"Yes!" Taylor says.

"I wanna be on a team with Tay-Tay." Chris says as he swims over to her.

"Hell nah, she's my teammate." Garrett says as he gets into the water.

"You're so annoying." Chris complains.

"I'll be your teammate, Chris." I say as I get in.

"Yay!" He cheers.

Me and Taylor get on the guys shoulders and Jake counts down for us.

"Go!" He yells.

We move closer to each other and start pushing each other, I grip onto Chris as I start laughing. I get one really good push at Taylor and she squeals as she falls into the water.

"Yes!" I cheer.

"Let's go!" Chris yells before he flips me back into the water.

I swim back up and laugh as I watch Taylor and Garrett bickering.

"You have the worst balance." Garrett says.

"And you couldn't hold me up right." She says.

He glares at her before tackling her under water.

I look at Brennen and watch as he looks at them. He sighs before grabbing his crutches and getting up. He walks back into the house and I frown. I quickly get up and follow him inside.

He stands at the fridge and I watch as he struggles to grab a beer. I begin to walk over to him but he grabs the beer and it slips from his hand and breaks on the floor.

"Fuck." He groans.

"Here, I'll clean it." I tell him.

He looks at me.

"I can do it myself." He says.

"It's fine. Let me do it." I say.

"No, Jules! I can do it myself!" He yells.

I take a step back and stare at him.

"Fine. Do it yourself." I say.

He looks at me before he goes to bend down but drops one of his crutches. He loses his balance and almost falls but I quickly hold him up. He sighs as I look at him.

"Can you let me do it?" I ask.

He nods before I reach down and grab his crutch. I hand it to him and grab paper towels and begin cleaning up.

"Sorry for snapping at you." He says.

"It's okay." I smiled at him.

He smiles back.

The Secret (Book 2 in The Deception Series) Where stories live. Discover now