Welcome to camp

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Asher Pov

The jeep came to a stop, Asher looked at the dock. He wasn't overly thrilled with this idea,but how could he say no to his father? These kids better not be annoying! He could see the ferry from the distance, his eyes are drawn to something hanging on the railing,

What the fuck? There was a teen hanging off the railing! His thoughts were interrupted. His father shook him out of the state he was in, "have fun kiddo," His father smiled. He gave one back, he took his bag and his machete.

And headed towards the dock, as he got there he saw the Seven teens come down the ramp. He also saw an older male there too. Around maybe his late 20s early 30s? He also was dressed up as a gym teacher.

Yeah he doesn't look very bright in the head..

The group was lined up,

He heard the guy speak up.

"Welcome to Isla Nublar,Campers." He said, "You are the selected few, The first in the entire world, to ever experience the awesomeness that is camp Cretaceous. Now I know the ferry ride was rough for the Seven of you." he eyed the each of them,

"But you made it" he continued happily, "I am Dave,head counselor, that right you heard me correctly, head honcho, big shot!"

Asher rolled his eyes as Dave continued, The group heard an engine behind them. Asher and the others turned around, a Jeep showed up with a camp Cretaceous insignia on the doors. The opens and a woman stepped out, she had the same clothes like Dave. Without the yellow bandanna, "oh, I'm so sorry I'm late, welcome campers" She said "I'm Roxie, head counselor of camp Cretaceous" The group looks at Dave confused and Asher scoffs.

"Well.." Dave started " It more of a co-head counselor" he said scratching his head and laughing nervously,

"Is it?" Roxie questioned, raising a brow.

"Now" Dave continued "Some of you won a competition to be here, Others VIP invites, but for the next two weeks all of you will be getting five star treatments." Suddenly a pink-haired girl with her phone started panning her phone around getting shots of each camper.

'seriously?' They didn't seem to see him though, Which was a good thing.

"Here we've lined up some bonus behind the scenes of Jurassic world", Roxie said, ''The other camper made noises of happiness as Asher nodded." As well as rock climbing, Kayaking, zip lining, obstacles courses and of course....", before she could finish her sentence, an excited voice blurted out.

"Dinosaurs?!" A camper shouts out,Asher looks at where the voice came from, It was from a very short girl. Who could at least be 5ft4, she did have very stunning blond hair. Her eyes kinda reminded him of very clear water, she had very light tan skin as well. She looked down with embarrassment.

'That's a mood'

"Yes," Roxie said looking down at her clipboard, "Allie, plenty of dinosaurs, so? Ready for Your adventure?".

"Absolutely!" Said the pink haired girl "but I'm gonna need that speech just a bit shorter and really lean into the majesty of this place."Asher facepalms, one of the other kids just chuckles at the pink girl's remark, he wore an old fashioned brown robe.

Both Dave and Roxie had confused facial expressions."Alright we're going now." Dave said, "Let's get the eight of you guys to camp."

"There are only seven of us?"

Asher clears his throat, making his presence known to the oblivious others. Everybody else turns, slightly shocked that they didn't hear him.

Asher waved,Roxie stared at him momentarily and glanced down at the clipboard once again.He spoke up "I'm the last minute replacement for Kenji." He informed her,Roxie nods.

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