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Cinder POV

Getting in trouble was always something I was very good at, but this time I fucked up real bad, stealing someone's property was bad enough, but dropping it inside a pen with four deadly creatures, that was something else, and I did just that.

I would just use my lightsabers that were clipped to both sides of my belt, but I can't, not yet, reveal myself to people I don't know, for the force's sake all of them are imperials.

A creature, smaller than a rancor but looking ten times as fierce, "Oh Dank Farrik," I said to myself, before yelling to the other people, "Open the gate!" but some bimbo pressed the wrong button, raising the gate in between me and the raptor, but without hesitation two boys jumped in between me and the raptor.

They land hard on the ground, and look up at the raptor, seeing that the rest of its pack has arrived. "Blue, it's me!" Asher shouts. Although the ravenous Raptor knows him, it is too hungry to care, they trespassed into their domain.

"Oh shit"

I quickly get up and join the other two boys in a staredown against the raptors, "Evening" I say, nodding at the velociraptor, the dark one with the blue stripes trailing from her head to her tail jumped me, I dodged quickly out of the way, Asher jumps back as Hunter punches the raptor now known as blue with a strong right hook. As Hunter had dazed the raptor they all ran for the gate, "Somebody close the damn thing!" Asher yells up, seeing that the gate is now closing, Cinder and Hunter slid under the gate. Asher wasn't going to make it, he was closed in by four raptors. Only for the lights to snap on, meat being dropped into the pen. The only raptor not giving away her gaze was, of course, Blue.

Asher makes a sprint for the gate and the gate stops closing, Cinder has his eyes closed and his hand stretched out towards the gate, Asher slides under as Blue pounces the gate, furious at the failed hunt.

We get pulled out by Dave and Roxie, the raptor gives us one last glare before the gate closes.

"Dave, that was... Thank you so much." I told the "Co-head counselor"

"Oh, that's standard procedure, Cinder. I do that kind of stuff all the time."

"You okay Dave?" I asked him, "Yeah, yeah, just give me a sec."

"You are so stupid, do you know what could've happened?" Asher snapped, wanting to just punch me in the face. "We were so lucky that Ajax wasn't in there,"

"Who is Ajax?" I asked the furious boy, who just looked at me with killer intent, "Doesn't matter, We're alive, consider us lucky."

"Ashy? Ashel? Asher? I don't know which one of those is your name but just... calm down." I said, probably angering him more. "You-you... irresponsible child!" Asher yelled again, this time being stopped by Roxie, she rushed up to Dave, "Are you hurt?" she asks worriedly, checking Dave all over.

"Is everyone all right?" She asks again, this time looking at the tw- three of us, I didn't even notice Hunter standing there, he didn't even say anything.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where do you think you're going?" Roxy says, grabbing me by the hood of my robe without even looking in my direction.

"You and the others are in big trouble." She turns to me, her eyes staring daggers into my soul.

"B-but h-he'' "Save it, Ravens, We'll deal with you guys later." Roxie said annoyed, if only glares could kill.

Asher, Hunter, and I were now sitting on the couch in the lounge room, waiting for the counselors to show up, who were now reprimanding Brooklynn, for whatever she did, sneaking out probably.

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