Asher grady

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Asher felt the air whip around his ears as he was falling quickly. He remembered the loud screams of the Pteranodons. The sound of his friends crying out for him. The sound of his flesh tearing when the large creature treated him as a play thing. He remembers Nathan letting him go as one of the pterosaurs flew at him.

He was falling gradually, the thoughts of his father and his friends flooded his mind. He was going to die, and he never got to say goodbye to any of them. He shut his one eye, the other was already closed from the wound he sustained to the face. He felt himself hit the ground before he fell unconscious.


Asher's body laid unmoving on the dirt road, until a groan interrupted the quiet forest. Asher opened his eye painfully, a quiet hiss of pain was heard as he tried to lift his head and quickly puts it down with a thud. He breathes heavily as he tried to move his body. He let out a breathy sob, his body was on fire, it was painful to move.

He tries to take a look at the wounds, the jagged wounds hurt, they were bloody, but it looks like he wasn't bleeding out, he felt some blood trickling down his head though. He takes a deep breath before he forces himself to sit up. A painful cry left his lips as the burning sensation became more intense. He tries to take in calm breaths as he looks around groggily.

The sun was starting to make itself appear, was he out the whole time? Where were the others, did they make it off the island, are they safe..? Plenty of thoughts ran through his mind, but the bigger thought in his head was how the hell will he get away with his injuries.

His father had a bunch of medical supplies at the bungalow they shared, so he could make his way there. He just needed something to help him walk. He looked around and spotted a large branch, he could use that as a crutch. He mentally smiles.

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch" he grumbled to himself. He carefully got on his knees with a grunt. As he pushes himself off the ground and balances himself, his knees feel weak as he stumbles and catches himself. He slowly walks to where the branch was placed. As he gets closer his knees buckle, he yelps as he grabs on to the tree to keep him from falling. The sooner he hauls himself to his home, the sooner he could treat his wounds, he grabs the branch tightly, his hands could go white on how hard he was holding it.

He breathed out as he slowly started to walk the way he knew where the bungalow was located.

6 hours later~

It was a 6 hour long hike to the bungalow, taking small breaths after each other, it was a rougher trip on foot, shorter if you have a vehicle. He found himself stumbling for the railings of the stairs to the door.

He tripped as he caught the edge of the stairs, he whimpered slightly as his wounds flared up, he felt so vulnerable, he hated showing it. He got his bearings as he slowly got up and headed for the door. He headed towards his fathers room and kneels down to grab the large med kit from underneath. He grabs it and heads for the small kitchen table.

(⚠️ if you don't like blood, needles and or any sorts of gore, please skip!!!!⚠️)

He slowly took off his shirt, but it was hard when your shirt sticks to your wounds. He took what he needed into the bathroom, he looked at the wounds, a couple of them needed to be stitched up. The wounds spread across his torso up to his lower chest, his right eye had a long jagged wound, stretching from his brow to his chin, that means his eye is fucked, he can't open it, he let out a sigh, the side of his head was fucked as well, a small scratch mark across his head. Raw and bloody, he grimaced.

( it was a small warning ⚠️)

He needed to clean the wounds first. And so he did, it took him awhile to get everything clean along with putting ointment to help the healing process, he stitched up what he could, he took him awhile to put gauze and wrap his body and part of his face up. He took some Tylenol that was in a bottle.

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