"Acrocant-do this no more"

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TW: death 💀 ⚠️ for this chapter))

Years ago

In a dark room held a soaking wet young boy. Obviously familiar because his dirty blond hair turned a dark brown from the water absorbed in his hair, a white raglan shirt with black sleeves ripped apart at an angle, he was practically wearing everything he wears in the present day.

He was laid across the metallic floor like a corpse. His deadpan expression made him appear like he lost his soul before his life. His eyes glanced down towards his stomach where his shirt was stained red.

The edge of his right hip across to his left shoulder was a bloody mess, he was nearly decapitated in half just a few hours ago after finishing one of his fathers tasks.

He could still feel the Great White Sharks teeth sinking into his body but after the first hour all that pain had disappeared and it was replaced by a tingling feeling.

Like a colony of ants crawling across the edge of his wound to stitch it together.

With the little amount of light in his cage, he could see the floor had a small puddle of his own blood beside him. He sat up, tracing his fingers across his wound as he felt it tighten like a belt across his torso. He looked down at the wound to notice it was already healed halfway.

The door to his cage had opened to reveal Grizzly and Moose, two of Clint's best poachers, checking in on the boy to see if he was still alive. After noticing he is alive and already healing, they closed the cage and left to inform Clint.

Hunter looked down at the shark bite across his torso and sighed. His hearing was muffled as blood and water was still clogging his ears, his eyes burned, and his body felt cold and stiff.

Faintly, he could hear a familiar song hummed by his own Mother in a language he doesn't know but understands. His Mom shouldn't be anywhere near here, she left the Ravens family already.

The cage violently opened as Clint rushed through his camp to see his son for himself. He was informed Hunter was already regenerating from his previous task despite being in critical condition just a few hours ago.

"So, you lived..." His heavy mixed accent pissed Hunter off. The boy was already staring at him like a big cat stares at prey.

"George told me you were unbreakable...body, mind, spirit."

Clint crouched down, still towering over his son.

"But I believe anything can be broken...it just takes patience."

Clint reaches into the inside pocket of his vest for his knife while also grabbing hold of Hunter's neck to hold up in the air.

"Now...I ask you again..."

"...will you join me?"

Hunter furiously dug his fingernails into his Dads hand, trying to rip it apart but lacked the strength and his present day Ravenousium infused skeleton to do so.

Hunter continued to stare predatory at him, refusing to speak as he has done since accepting his fathers training.

Clint had enough of his son's rebellion. He slammed him against the wall while roaring, sounding just like a Tiger, before yelling at him.




Clint had snapped around 180 at the familiar, intimidating voice. He dropped his son while turning, instinctively taking his knife out as he faced the person.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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