Step One

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"Look. Babe, all I'm saying is maybe you could've handled it better" Mitch said looking at his other half, Tiff scoffed as a response, "Excuse me?" She hissed offensively.

Mitch put his hands up "Now, wait. Wait. Don't get mad" he said trying to calm Tiff down, but the blonde wasn't having it "Don't get mad?" She questioned.

"I'm not allowed to have my own opinions." Tiff trails off angrily, from afar the three teens would be plotting away to escape. "Ok, Step one is to take their guns away. What do we do after that?" Easton questions, looking at Nathan and Sammy.

"We run," Nathan says simply, like it was the most obvious.

"What If Rexy shows up?" Sammy says nervously. "Run faster." He says again, their eyes landed on the bickering couple once again.

"So, is it my fault that the girl got away?" Mitch said exasperated, Looking at Tiff.

The Bickering continued until the couple noticed the teens whispering with one anoth er.

"And what are you three whispering about?"He asked suspiciously,The three looked up.

"I was just saying it's right through here." Easton lies with a straight poker face, he always was good at lying. slowly the group got to a place that was clearly not the watering hole, it was part of Main Street.Both adults chuckled sarcastically.

"This isn't the watering hole, Does it look like the watering hole babe?"Mitch asked as tiff gave him the same look.

"No it doesn't babe..."

The four teens stood around next to each other as Allie brought out the map. Realization hit Jesse "Allie you need to know-" he started, but the blonde stopped him. "No time- we need to figure out Nathan's plan."

"What?" Brooklyn said, Confused. "He's taking Tiff and Mitch to Main Street?" The pink haired girl asked. "It doesn't make sense." Allie adds while looking at the map.

"You guys hear that?" The blonde girl suddenly says, turning her head towards the bushes. "Hear what?" Jesse asks, but hears it too.

From the bushes emerges a raptor, a little larger than the ones they'd found in the raptor pen on their first night, its main color is a dark beige leading up from its claws to its back, all the while transitioning into a dark blue.

The raptor bore an Allosaurus crest on its head, small spines leading from its head all the way down to the tip of its tail. Its yellow eyes pierced brightly into the night.

Allie let out a loud and terrified yelp as the dinosaur stared her dead in the eyes. She slowly backs away until the loud engine they heard before was getting real close.

"Ajax?" Jesse asks, looking at the dinosaur. He slowly started moving towards it with his hand slightly in front of himself. The raptor follows the boy's every move.

Before Jesse could get close enough to actually do as he was planning the boy got knocked on his ass.

He looked up to see what he just jumped away from, Asher, Asher Grady was sitting on a dirt bike with a tamed raptor by his side.

"Could've not knocked me on my ass, Ashy." Jesse said, a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. Asher chuckled and got off his bike, offering the Jedi his hand.

The boy grabbed it, Asher hoisted him up and turned to the others, Allie looked at him in confusion. "Asher?"

"Hey there." The Grady said with a small smile.

Allie's shock turned into a small smile, "You're alive?!" She almost yelled. "Pretty sure that Hunter knew.." Asher retorted.

Allie didn't say anything, she slowly walked up to Asher and engulfed him into a hug. Asher chuckled uncomfortably for a second before briefly returning the hug.

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