Welcome to Jurassic world

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The Campers groaned and moaned in pain after the van had stopped tumbling. Everyone was somewhere there weren't before the crash, most notably there was the new introduction of blood dripping from the sharp, caved in roof from the van, from when the Indominus ripped three vertical sunroofs into it.

Asher noticed the blood was dripping onto the vans floor from the sharp metal, actually, instead of the floor it was Hunter who became the floor. Blood dripped onto the back of his green jacket before he slowly got up and held his face in his hand.

"Hunter, your jacket has blood on it," Asher knows they can be tracked easier now from the blood, he still doesn't know whose blood it is.

Hunter weakly chuckled, "Does it look bad or am I still pretty?" Hunter turned his face around and lifted his hair out of the way to show everyone the massive gash that travels from the side of his right nose, all the way up the bridge of his nose and to the edge of his forehead where his hair starts.

Everyone winces at the sight, Hunter weakly chuckles again.

"I guess I upgraded to beautiful..." Hunter rolls out of the van and onto all fours, letting some more blood drip onto the jungle floor. Allie, Easton, and Asher quickly popped up and tried to help him in any way they could.

Nathan looks back at Sammy to make sure she is okay, then back at Nessy, then gazes down to the broken phone that lays on the floor of the van. He sighs in anger and leaves the van.

"Nathan wait!" Sammy shouts, running after him.
"All this time, I was defending you, and you actually did have that damn phone?" Nathan asks in anger and disbelief.

"See? I told you guys!" Brooklynn butts in. "Fuck off" Nathan mutters. "I thought I could trust somebody for once, I'm such an idiot." Nathan says, heartbroken and walking away. Sammy pauses for a second before pursuing him. "No, you're not, you can still trust me״ She says. "How?!" Nathan spins around, shouting.

This shuts Sammy up as she doesn't know how to respond as Brooklynn stands there, watching. "I'm here to spy!"

Everybody looks at Sammy. "Yeah, that would make me trust you" Nathan mutters as he begins walking away again but stops, wanting to hear Sam out.

"For a company called Mantah corp." she continues. "Mantah Corp? They're a bioengineering company, big rivals with Masrani. They tried to make dinosaurs too, but Wu beat them to it." Asher explains.

"You doomed us all for some lousy company?" Easton asks. "Our ranch was in trouble, so my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people. We didn't know they were fronting for Mantah Corp. They said we'd lose everything unless I spied for them. Use the behind the scenes access I'd get at camp to gather info from Wu's lab, and DNA from dinos, and whatever else they needed. But then Brooklynn caught on, and I got scared, and then everything went wrong. This is the last thing I wanted to happen." Sammy looks at Nathan as his glare softens.

He opens his mouth to say something and end this but that's when Brooklynn says something. "Why do you look unsurprised?" She asks Asher.

"Oh, Hunter and I already knew" He scoffs before realizing what he said. Nathan turns his flaming glare to the boy and charges to him.

"Now don't blame me, I tried to convince Sammy to tell you, blame Hunter, he stopped her from telling you" Asher squeaks. Nathan then turns to an injured Hunter sitting against the van. Asher grabs Nathan and Allie stands up next to Hunter. "Can't you see he's injured, kick his ass when he's healed" Asher states. "You stay out crap that don't concern you!" Nathan shouts at Hunter, to which the boy just smiles as a response.

"Look, I know the situation we're in is suboptimal—" Easton started.

"This is fine." Hunter weakly grins, blood still dripping down his face and onto his jacket and the jungle floor.

Jurassic universe ( Camp Cretaceous collab) Where stories live. Discover now