The reunion

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A/N : This arc is taking place before season 3, This chapter and many other will be very long. So I hope you enjoyed this arc. Updated will take as long as we do. Because of how long they will be so be patient with all of us. And thank you for sticking with us, enjoy this chapter. Remember to comment and vote


The group stood around a big dirt mound somberly, A cross sticking out of it. Carved with Nathan's name on it. Most of them couldn't believe Nathan was dead. Sammy was weeping quietly next to Easton who was consoling her, Brooklynn was right beside Asher. her own tears falling lightly. Asher looked at the grave sadly. He sighs mentally. He looked over to Jesse who was standing a bit away. In his own thoughts.

Allie stood on Asher's otherside, She had a look of guilt. She was blaming herself for not being able to help. She rubbed her arms slightly. Hunter had left as everyone gathered around the mound.

Hunter had a lot on his mind at the moment, His father was coming.

Everyone dispersed, Allie decided she wanted to be alone for a bit, While Easton and Sammy were talking quietly on a log as Brookynn walked to Jesse. Asher on the other hand headed to where Hunter walked off too. They needed to talk about the news they found out about.
Hunter leaned his shoulder against the trunk of a tree he was currently at the top of. It'd be physically impossible for anyone to not break the branch his boots are currently digging into, the branch would snap in seconds or instantly from anybody else's weight. Hunters natural weight is 800+ because of the Ravenousium infused with his bones, but he can make himself lighter than a microorganism if need be, or as heavy as a Blue Whale or even...bigger.

Although he wished to be able to shapeshift, he couldn't. Shapeshifting into any animal you want? One of the coolest powers ever. He has a similar, but more powerful ability than that. Any animal you can name and he can use all their attributes fivefold; he tried measuring and estimating his abilities so his results vary on whatever animal he uses.

Hunter takes a deep breath...recognizing many smells new and old to the island. His ears drag every individual noise, he can even hear the insects on the jungle floor and the fish in the sea. He looks out at the jungle, nothing but treetops and a few sauropod heads, but he can also see everything a human would be unable to spot.

Hunter looks down at the jungle floor, which is at least 100 feet or more down, to spot Asher looking for him. Hunter groaned, the blades in his right forearm shot out before he sliced his left palm open.

Instead of the expected dark red colored blood to pour out of his new wound; it was a dark blue, indigo blue to be more specific.

"Why me?"

"You never told me why."

"None of you ever told me anything."

"I'll try to spare Asher from my family...Clint shouldn't know."

Hunter sheathed his blades, his knuckles pouring out some of that blue blood before the cuts on both of his hands healed before he descended down the tree.

"Hunter! Where did you go!?" Asher called out but so far he hasn't found any trace of the Nature Boy. Hunter doesn't leave any tracks, not even a smell.

Hunter's upside down face suddenly appears in front of Asher, spooking the boy for a moment. Asher noticed the Nature Boy was hanging from the end of his boots, just his boots.

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