Things fall apart

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(Heavy spoilers for Nature Boy: Camp Cretaceous. To be fair, all of our stories should've been read before this)

Hunters POV

Hunter was Spirit-walking again, this was another unusual dream as he had woken up face-to-face with the black silhouette of a mysterious theropod. It was the biggest theropod he has ever seen, the only living theropod for that matter.

Hunter was not scared, he will physically show fear but never truly feel it. He was bewildered at this silhouette of a theropod. He could not quite make out the features of its skull at the moment.

His surroundings soon changed into the starry night sky. He had now been staring at a constellation in the form of a Jaguar. He's seen this before many times, so it didn't surprise him. He realized that the Jaguar constellation was giving him a look of curiosity, or it could be questioning him. He thought it was silently asking him what he would do.

The dream didn't last long this time.

Hunter woke up somewhere entirely different than the treehouse cabins. He woke in the cabin near a waterfall and is on a somewhat sloped hill, so if dinosaurs escaped from their paddocks; they wouldn't be able to get a good footing and would slip.

He prefers this cabin ever since last night since he had just found it last night after exploring the camp grounds.

As of right now, he had to head straight back to the treehouse cabins before Dave and Roxie found out he was gone. Hunter looked at the time and realized he had woken up at five in the morning again, which means he only got five hours of sleep.

Hunter threw his backpack on and stretched.

"Not like sleep deprivation physically or mentally effects me." Hunter lazily muttered as he headed out of the waterfall cabin and went on the path that took him to the treehouse cabins.

"That dream better not have been another warning..." he yawns and puts his hands behind his head.


Hunter had made it back to the treehouse cabins at 6:30. Which was honestly too long of a walk for him, he would've made it back way sooner than that if he was not so lazy this morning.

He sensed someone looking at him from above at the edge of the main cabin, he noticed blonde hair before the person had strutted away from the edge. Hunter sighed before walking over to the elevator.

If he was honest—well, more honest; he really did feel awkward around people. He is a dork at heart, but there is a dark side of his personality that is something you do not want to bring out of him. If he ever feared something, it would be that part of him.

Although, he considers himself lucky to be able to have so many options in the animal kingdom that allow him to mellow down and be as normal as a Ravens can be.

Hunter took the elevator up to the main cabin and as the door opened, he was immediately met with a blonde beauty. Allie gave him a playful smirk, her arms were crossed and she was slightly leaning on one leg.

She is wearing her two bracelets, one for each wrist, they are made out of leather and nylon cord—the bracelets have a pair of tiger shark teeth on the top of them. She wears a necklace holding a singular tiger shark tooth. She has a certain taste in clothing, frequently wearing white shirts. She wears a white tank top underneath a white shirt, the front of the shirt has an illustration of a white and blue colored Tiger Shark on it. She sometimes wears a white and black checkered flannel over the shirt if it gets a little cold, but apparently decided to tie it around her waist. She usually goes with sweatpants, mostly Adidas sweats, or she'll go with regular black pants. She's currently wearing those Adidas sweats. She wears black and white converse shoes, she had drawn blue waves around the heels.

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