End of the line

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The pteranodon, still not letting go, starts pulling harder, leaving gashes all over Asher's torso. The Grady cries out and curses in the pain. "There's another? Just let me go!" Asher yelled, "Never, I'm not losing a friend again!" Cinder quickly responded, the other pteranodon slammed into Asher, making Nathan release his grip as he jumped back.

"Just let me go! Cinder you'll be in charge!" Asher pleaded, Cinder and Hunter still refused to let go. "We're not letting go!" Hunter stated sternly, only for the pteranodon to slam into the monorail, shaking the train making both Cinder and Hunter let go, Cinder dove down to catch Asher with the force, Asher now frozen in the air, Cinder laying on his stomach, reaching out with his hand, "Cinder, let go!" Asher yelled, "Never!" But it was too late, the pteranodon slamming into the train again, knocking Cinder over, sliding him over the floor, glass scratching his shirt and torso, Asher plummeting to the ground while letting out a scream, Everyone looked down to see Asher disappear within the trees.

"Fuckin hell!" Nathan yelled out, Easton just looked shocked, not daring to look down, everyone bared shock across their faces, "Dank Farrik!" Cinder cursed again, only to feel the pain in his chest as breathing became hard for the boy.

"Nature always has to be cruel..." Hunter whispered, looking down into the jungle, zooming past. Cinder looked down in horror as he tried catching his breath, shards of glass littering his torso, his shirt ripped at some places, a piece of glass almost as big as his hand stuck from his stomach, "Fuck that shit hurts!" he yells out, wanting to pull the shard out, "Don't, the shard is keeping your blood inside you, don't remove it!" Hunter scolds as Cinder gives him a glare.

"He's gone. He's gone..." Easton mutters in disbelief. "I won't believe it!" Sammy shouts, running to the side but Nathan grabs her hand, stopping her. "Sammy-" She cuts him off by sobbing. She grabs him and cries into his shoulder as Nathan stands there, uncomfortably putting an arm around her.

Brooklynn holds Cinder up, his arm around her shoulder and her arm under his shoulder, she steps a tad closer and hugs him tightly as tears softly stream from her eyes, quietly sobbing into his shoulder, "Cinder, I'm scared.." she said quietly, to which he softly patted her head. "Brooklynn, I'll promise you no one else is going to die, okay?" He asked, to which she softly nodded into his side.

Allie stands on the edge, staring at the dark forestation that litter the surroundings. She notices the moss on the tree, facing the same direction as the monorail. That's when it hits her. We aren't going south...

We're going north!

"The monorail's going back!" She shouts as the monorail rounds a turn too fast, making everyone fall. "What do you mean going back?" Cinder managed to stutter out through heavy breaths, "When we switched tracks we turned around!" Hunter said, "So now what?" Easton asks, only thinking about the situation partly, as most of his thoughts were still with Asher.

"We can jump down there!" Sammy said, "The track dips down in that part of the forest!" She said excitedly, finding a way out of the situation, "You want us*cough* to ju- *cough* jump, in th- *cough* this condition?" Cinder said in between coughs, the pain seemed to get worse every time.

"And what about my leg?" Nathan questioned, limping while grasping on to Nessy's head crest. "Sammy, we're in no condition to jump!" Nathan made clear. "But it's the only way!" She said back, "She's *cough* right," Cinder butted in, "Yeah, all we can do is jump," Hunter and Allie confirmed, Easton just nodding at the situation while Brooklynn was figuring out a way to help Cinder.

"Okay, I got some first aid experience, Brooklynn help me out!" Allie said, walking over to Cinder, sitting him down in a chair, "Okay, what we're gonna do is going to hurt, a lot," Allie said to him, he nodded, "That's *cough* reassuring,"

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