Art of chill

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Cinder POV

Somewhere on the island, two Baryonyx are scouting out their territory, eventually sprinting away into the trees, both not having realized that someone had been watching them.

All of us were sitting underneath some trees, minus Hunter, who had climbed up into the tree, using binoculars the group had found on main street. He was scouting out the mountains in the distance as pteranodons surrounded them, screeching loudly. He thought he spotted a few other species but he waved it off as his eyes tricking him again. He sighs and climbs down the tree like it was a set of stairs. He dropped down, accidentally spooking everyone from how unintentionally silent he always is.

"G-good news?" Sammy asked with hope, and still a little frightened from Hunter's sudden appearance.

"Pteranodons are nesting on the Eastern mountains." Hunter stated.

Most of the campers scoff. "Bad news..." Sammy rolled her eyes and took a look at the map again, where multiple red X's were marked on the map.

"So, we can't stay on main street because dinosaurs," Brooklynn started, "The mountains, grasslands, and jungles are out because dinosaurs!" She complained.

"To be fair: it's not supposed to be our territory either." Hunter commented as he crossed his arms.

"Not the time, Hunter." Allie slightly glared at the Nature Boy.

"Is there any place that is safe enough to live on this dreadful island?" Allie questioned.

Everyone went silent as they started to think. There was no ideas or places that worked in their thoughts. Hunter just stared at all of them as he does not care where he sleeps. Easton then remembered one place they somehow have not thought of by now.

"I have a place we can hold up until rescue arrives!" Easton beamed as this place might actually work.

"Lead the way, Easton," Cinder said with a slight smile.


When they arrived at the Camp formerly known as Camp Cretaceous, they weren't too drawn to Easton's initial thought. Hunter had disappeared again without anyone noticing, his silence in every aspect is concerning. The Campers started to share their thoughts with Easton.

"Didn't we specifically run away from this place?" Nathan asks annoyed, Cinder gave him an elbow to the gut, "Explain, Easton" he spoke simply.

"Look, there's fresh water, the trees will stop most of the weather and dinosaur attacks, and the supplies we need are right here," Easton's explanation was simple, but it made sense.

"Also, wouldn't camp be the first place to look to rescue a bunch of campers?" Allie added, and Nathan confirmed.

"Anyways, Easton is right, we gotta make this happen if we want to survive." Cinder said, and Allie nodded,

"I think we should team up, one group goes to build a shelter from the debris, the other goes looking for medical supplies, Nathan is still half dead," Allie said, and everyone agreed. "Fuck you" Nathan sneers, partially joking.

"Actually, all of you can go, me and Nathan will stay here, he can rest and I'll work." Cinder says. "Alright" they all agree.

Easton pov.

Easton and the rest were walking for a decent amount of time in the forest, they were holding sticks from rubble in their hands, What for?

Weapons, if you would call them weapons. Easton glances around, His eyes trained to a tree that had a large mark. It looked like something big was rubbing against it, he brushed the mark with his hand until he heard Sammy behind him.

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