Happy birthday, Eddie

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Asher pov

The group was walking for a decent amount of time, Asher in the front. Easton beside him. Cinder behind him, followed back the rest. Trekking through the forest,The group was quiet, along with the atmosphere


A tree branch snapped loudly, scaring the group. Hunter chuckles mischievously and says "Sorry, stepped on stick and stick go snap. Your reactions are very intriguing," The group groans.

Hunter broke the twig on purpose to observe everyone's reaction.

"Yep we're all totally on Edge..." Asher comments, The group nods. "No shit.." Cinder said.

Sammy looked around before saying to the rest of them, "Are we even sure we're going the right way?"

"I would know if I had my phone" Brooklynn started again, "it has a gps, a compass and is also a phone" Nathan groans "Seriously stop with the fucking phone already!" he snaps.

Asher rubs the bridge of his nose, "ladies calm down" Nathan makes sound of protest to being called a girl, which Asher doesn't give a flying fuck about. "We can't be fighting when our lives are on the line, so let's keep going." The two continued to glare, as Cinder ushered Brooklyn to keep moving.

Speaking to her, possibly about not worrying about the phone, Sammy was beside Nathan as Hunter and Allie were at the back. Asher goes to walk again but stops when Nathan says "You know what we should have? A leader! and I know the perfect candidate for the job, M-" Asher stops him.

"No shut up. You aren't leading us to our deaths Nathan, I'll get us to Main Street and off this island, You don't have the slightest clue about this island, " Asher snapped.

Nathan scowls slightly, "Says the guy who's weaponless," he shoots back "how are you supposed to protect us?"

The group goes quiet, But Cinder speaks up, Meaning by speaking up. He started laughing at the two, "Both of you, protect us?" He keeps laughing for a bit before regaining his composure, "None of you have seen anything, maybe some dinosaurs, those nice little guns of yours, Nathan, what do they do against a dinosaur?"

"You don't even have a ranged weapon, Ashy-Boy, not even a weapon," Cinder lets out some small laughter before disregarding the topic, turning back to Brooklynn, her face covered with a confused look.

Hunter internally smirked at the trio, enjoying this squabble as they had no clue of what he could do.

Asher growls softly, Nathan on the other hand. With one swift motion took both of his revolvers out. Pointing straight at Cinder , "Okay then, what will you do, Asshole?" Nathan says threateningly, "You don't wanna find out, Laserbrain." Cinder spats back, walking straight towards nathan.

"You won't pull that trigger on me," Cinder says with a smirk, Nathan only keeping his gaze, "One step further and I will,"

"Nope, you won't" Cinder says, eventually having the barrel of the revolver against his forehead, Nathan hesitantly takes a step back while putting the revolvers back into his holsters, only for Cinder to scoff at him.

"I wouldn't waste a bullet on you anyway" Nathan said, Asher speaks up after a while "You're right Cinder , you may be reckless and a dipshit but you're right." Cinder nods and quickly becomes flabbergasted "Ashy-boy actually agreeing with me?"

Nathan looks at Asher like he was joking, But Asher knew when he was beat "Yes I don't have my weapon on me, Nathan's revolvers won't affect tough hide on the indominus. But that doesn't fucking matter. The only thing that I care about is getting off of this island so here what's going on—"

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