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The group sees what looks to be a fire, "It can't be.." Brooklyn started beside Jesse. "Is it?" She starts again as Allie nodded "I'm seeing it too."

"That is most definitely a bonfire." Nathan said, As Sammy came up behind him"'s people!" Easton runs a hand through his hair "Someone got our SOS signal" he replied. Like he didn't know if he was just dreaming

"Let's go find them" Jesse says. "it's time to go home" Allie breathes out as Hunter eyed the fire warily as the rest laughs slightly.

By then, everyone was running to where the fire was burning, they were cheering. Brooklyn had climbed and said they were getting closer. As they continued to run through the dark woods, this was it. Jesse was getting everyone home. Well not everyone..

He shouldn't dwell on that now, Asher would be proud of him. They continued to run "we're getting closer" hunter said from one of the trees as well. Now, the nature boy was parkouring off the trees.

"Come on we're so close" Jesse replied once again as the group continued to push through.

As we were getting closer, Jesse climbed up a tree with a smile but his smile was cut short as he couldn't spot the bonfire anymore, his heart dropped.

He climbed down looking at the group" The bonfire, it's gone.."

Brooklyn gasps softly, as Sammy's smile grows dim "what if they left.." she said, as the group's demeanor changed.

"What if the people who came to save us gave up and we missed our chance..?" She said again, Nathan put a hand on her shoulder to give the Texan some comfort. The group looked at one another.

The group stayed quiet until a loud roar erupted the somber silence, the group screamed out slightly, looking around. To see where it came from. The group were breathing heavily, still tired from all the running. As they bunch up together.

The sticks they were holding beside Easton and Nathan who both had weapons on them, "could be a really big compy, right..?" Nathan said looking back at hunter or Allie for an answer

"Hunter, didn't you say they were creepo skylarks or something?" Hunter looks at him with a blank stare "To your left!" Hunter said as the leaves began to rustle and the sound of the creature came up right beside them.

The group broke away as Easton, Sammy and Brooklyn fell and the rest got to their footing, "It's a Ceratosaurus!" Allie shouted as the group scrambled to get away.

"Not now Allie!" Easton shouts back as the Dino moved around erratically, the group started running again, the large beast running after them, as they continued to run for the life

Easton looks back at the creature not paying attention as he hits a low tree branch,he grunts. Dropping the machete a couple of feet away.

Sammy bumps into him accidentally as he was still on the ground, the group stops and looks back. The group runs back to Easton and Sammy, Nathan helps Sammy up." You okay?" she nods in response as Jesse runs up to Easton. Hunter, Allie and Brooklyn along with Jessie standing in front of the fallen companions as the large Dino came closer.

"Come on!'' Brooklyn shouts at the beast, "You'll be a whole lot smaller when I'm through with you!" Jesse called, igniting his yellow blades. The late teens stood their ground, but a flare was shot in the sky, catching the dinosaur and them off guard, the explosion blinded the Ceratosaurus. As well as the group.

"Get down!" An unknown voice yelled as he pushed down Brooklynn, they threw them behind the large fallen log as the sound of a rifle cocking caught the young Jedi's ears. This was his que to quickly put away his lightsabers

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