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Hunter opened his eyes, the world appeared to be flipped but he had quickly realized his body unconsciously moved itself upside down. His head rested against the dirt surface while his boots were comfortably planted against a wooden crate that towered over him.

He examined himself to find multiple crossbow bolts and cuts all over his body. He bounced his boots off the crate and used the momentum of his stiff falling legs to stiffly stand up—only to realize his hands and feet were tightly tied up with chains.

"Kinky..." Hunter chuckled, rolling his right wrist to grab hold of the chain tied around his hands. He instantaneously crushed the chain in his hand, letting it slither down his wrists and drop to the floor. He did the same to the chains around his feet.

"I knew I recognized those a-holes..." Hunter searched around the yurt for some useful supplies before he headed out.

"...of course that pussy sends his pathetic trousers-sniffers to do what he could never do."

Hunter finds the crossbow that was used to sedate him, finding Dilophosaurus venom inside a jar alongside it.

Hunter realized he still has crossbow bolts literally in his body still. He yanks one out of the back of his leg and places it on the crossbow before nocking it. He stashed the Dilophosaurus venom in his jacket pocket before placing the crossbow on his back (because it has a sash on it). He snagged his backpack as well.

"I don't want them involved with this unannounced war I've got going on with poachers...mainly my father." Hunter's ears perk up on the sound of three people running off in the distance.

"I don't think I can hide anything for much longer...especially if I've BEEN HIT WITH BLOODY ARROWS!!!" Hunter's Australian accent is more apparent when he yells, he's only half Australian and he's lived in North America for most of his life so his accent is usually nonexistent.

Hunter sighs and walks out of the yurt, glancing around at his surroundings.

"I just love talking to myself aloud, don't I?" Hunter questioned himself or whoever was listening to him from the Spirit-Path.

"Eh, whatever...I got some savin' to do." Hunter sighed, pulling another arrow out of his body as a few of the cuts have almost fully healed by now.

"As always." Hunter rolled his eyes, he's usually always saving someone or something, it's just portocal at this point.


"Hey." Was all Asher said when Jesse and Brooklynn stared unresponsive to him. Almost like time skipped, Jesse practically teleported to Asher and hugged him, and then Brooklynn joined in a second later.

"H-how...how are you..." Jesse was too shocked to speak, looking at someone who is pretty much a ghost to them right now.

Asher accepted the warm hugs, just relieved to see his friends alive. A few grunts from the jungle floor gained their attention which caused them to release the hug.

"Oh...right...we should probably deal with this first." Asher gestured to the unconscious figure of Hap.

It was only a few minutes later that Asher was close to finishing his story of what had happened to him after the monorail.

"I overheard that fancy couple conspiring with this guy, 'Hap.'" Asher informed the two while Brooklynn was tying Haps hands up.

"So I came to help before something happened to you guys. I knew they'd have bad intentions just by talking about you—" He gestures to Brooklynn, "—but the most obvious clue they were bad was that they sedated Hunter and put him in a yurt."

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