The watering hole

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For once on this Island, things felt safe, it felt optimistic. The camp was pretty much done, although it looked pretty hideous, as it was built with wood and spare parts and anything else you could find, but it worked.

The campers were all doing their own thing, Cinder was taking a makeshift shower, Hunter and Allie were talking, Brooklynn was napping, and Easton was relaxing on the couch, before jumping at a sudden loud noise.

"That was better" Nathan says to Sammy, who is doing target practice with Nathan's gun. A compsognathus screeches near them. "Wanna try with moving targets?" Nathan smirks. "No! That's mean" Sammy laughs.

Cinder throws an empty water jug over the wall of the shower, towards the campers. "Can someone fill this up please?" He shouts as everyone groans. Easton gives in with an "I got you," As he picks up the large water container.

Allie then speaks up, "If you keep doing that for him, he won't be doing it himself. Allie said as she walked next to Hunter, who was hanging on the fence, "He will learn eventually," he says as he was balancing to stay on.

Easton got to the riverbank and his eyes widened, "Uh, Guys!" Easton shouted, "What? Something wrong with my water?" Cinder shouted back, clearly worried.

"About that.." Easton replied, Cinder groaned and grabbed some clothes, he quickly stepped into his cargo pants and slid on his grey Jurassic World hoodie and sighed deeply, sliding down the slide to see what's wrong.

The others quickly joined Easton and Cinder as they stood near the bank, the now very dried out bank.

"Where'd all the water go?" Sammy asks, confused, handing Nathan back his revolver. "Why don't we ask Mr. 45 minute shower?" Allie asks, annoyed. Glaring at Cinder, who's hair was still wet and dripping.

"Fine, I'll cut it down on the showers, but there's no way I've drained the whole damned river." Cinder quips back, he was slowly starting to understand he wasn't alone, and has to learn to work with them.

Back with the republic he was always alone, there were people, of course. But never in the way he was experiencing now, he always lived alone, ate alone, slept alone, and never had to worry about having to watch out for water use in showers.

Brooklynn hopped down into the now empty bank, leaving the others to their conversation. "Guys, we better figure out what's up, or we're gonna run out of drinking water." Easton says to everyone, but he had already lost Cinder's attention.

The space wizard was looking curiously at Brooklynn, who was acting a little strange. She climbed back out of the bank, but on the opposite side.

"Cin? Are you listening? Hey!" Easton tries to no avail. "Damnit, Williams?!" Nathan goes, suddenly Brooklynn turns around and shushes the arguing group.

"I hear that hum again." She says, and the others groan. "The river must've been drowning it out. If I follow that sound I bet I can find-"

"That frozen patch of flowers." The others groaned in sync, Cinder though, he was quiet. He was always a little different than other people and was made fun of a lot when he was little, mostly due to him 'hearing' and 'sensing' things others couldn't, back then he didn't know it was the force.

He didn't want Brooklynn to feel bad. Maybe he was a little crazy, energetic and sometimes a little much if he only had just met people, but he didn't want them to feel bad and excluded.

"Oh.. I've mentioned it, huh?" Brooklynn says a little ashamed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah, those flowers you saw once but never again." Nathan says impatiently. "Yeah, a few hundred times." Hunter adds.

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