Chaos theory

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The tunnel group was still trying to figure out how to hear Easton, Nathan and Sammy on the cams. As the three were still gesturing trying to grab their attention. "We still can't hear them!" Brookyn said, aggravated. Jesse looked towards her and then back to the keyboard kinda thing. "Just press some buttons, this earthly shit is above my pay grade." He said with a slight smile.

"I said Mitch and Tiff are going kill all the dinosaurs at the watering hole" Nathan said again, even though the group couldn't hear them at all. They continued to stare at the security camera, which was unmoving.

Nathan thought for a moment, trying to make a plan with restricted communication was a tough deal and as far as he knows the three of them are closer to Tiff and Mitch.

"I know what I have to do..." Nathan clenched his fists before turning to Sammy.

Allie stared at the screen and noticed Na than was communicating with Sammy. "What's he saying now?"

"Absolutely not! You're going to get killed if you go it alone!" Sammy argued with Nathan.

"I have to! This is all my fault!" Nathan argued back, standing his ground.

"The dinosaurs are in danger, so I'm gonna bring 'em out of it." Nathan sighed.

"Y'all will get to go home...I promise that."

"We already lost Asher..." Nathan looks over to the side, unable to meet Sammy nor Eastons eyes.

"That...wasn't your fault, Nathan." Easton held himself together after hearing that.

"Their boat is at the Northwest dock. You two get everyone together and get off the island while Mitch and Tiff are busy." Nathan was about to walk off but Sammy grabbed his arm, preventing him from leaving.

"What about you?" She questioned, worry swirling in her eyes.

The speaker occupied with the camera suddenly blared a bunch of static before a new voice came through.

"Nathan don't be stupid, we're here to help your dumbass out, forget about the boat"The voice of Asher declared through the speaker.


"You're alive?!"

The three couldn't believe it, they were hearing the voice of a ghost. They had seen the owner of this exact voice fall of a monorail, get snatched by pteranodons and presumably killed, this was.. a surprise.. to say the least.

"Oh.. right.. you didn't know. Yeah." Asher responded through the microphone, unable for Nathan, Easton and Sammy to see, Asher wore a big smile. "Oh yeah, we found the sound button so we can hear you." He added.

"Also.. it's good to hear your voices again." Asher smiled.

The three kids in the jungle stare at the camera, small smiles appearing on their faces until Jesse spoke up.

"Look, we're happy he's alive, and we can celebrate later, point is-" Jesse says, trying to hurry the whole thing along. "We're not letting you do this alone." Brooklynn cuts through, shoving Jesse and Asher out of the way.

"You don't get this, do you?" Nathan asked her angrily. "Get your fucking asses out of here, I will shoot you if you don't." He threatens. "You don't get it, I'm not leaving without you." Jesse shot back.

"We're not letting them kill the dinosaurs, there's no way." Allie is included in the conversation. "And honestly.. I never liked them anyways." Hunter adds with a devilish grin.

"It's dino-Saving' time!" Sammy cheers. "Camp-fam for life!"

Asher slightly groans. "Okay then, now that we've established life-long camp family status, what's the damn plan?" He asks somewhat enthusiastically.

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