Last day of camp

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Alarms continue blaring as the campers in the grandstands continue running down. Unknowingly, Cinder drops his glasses but continues his dash.

A male voice comes out across the lagoon via speakers. "Attention. All park goers must report to the south ferry dock for immediate evacuation. Last ferry departs in two hours." It shuts off. Brooklynn stops running and pants with her hands on her knees. "That's it? No explanations? That's all we get?!" She shouts, frustrated. Hunter and Allie arrive shortly after with Asher, Cinder, and Easton tailing them. (Hunter having some bandage wrappings over the right side of his face). Sammy helps Nathan run with Nessy running alongside them.

"We gotta move, the only way we'll make it to the south ferry dock is if we run." Asher ushers. "Uh..." Sammy looks at Asher then at Nathan. "Are we sure that's the best way to get there?" She asks. "I'm fine, I raced with a broken leg" Nathan growls. "Have you ever ran through the jungle with a broken leg?" Hunter asks with his arms crossed.

"Guys, We got bigger problems" Easton squeaks.
He pulls out a paper map of the island from his pocket and unrolls it out on a bench. "We're here" He says, pointing to the blue circle in the middle of the island. "The docks are on the southern tip of the island." He points to that. "Even if we usain-bolted out of here, we would still miss it." He says sadly.

"You don't know that!" Sammy says optimistically. "Yes I do, it's common sense" Easton says which gets him a stern shove from Nathan.

Everybody groans as Asher stands on the bench. "Can we use those somehow?" Asher asks, pointing at the kayaks that are peacefully rising and falling with the gentle ripples in the water.
"Or send someone to tell the ferry people to wait? Or..." he runs out of ideas. "Or make a few jetpacks real quick? Oh! We should befriend a unicorn!" Cinder gently nudges her shoulder with his elbow so she stops. "Face it. It's hopeless."

Another voice booms out of the PA sound system but this time it's a female, automated one. "We will be arriving at main street, your destination for fine dining and shopping at Jurassic World." Everyone looks across the lagoon to see a monorail coming down the tracks, coming down their direction.

"Followed by stops at the Jurassic World Lagoon and the south ferry dock." It stops. "Hm, nicely played, universe" Brooklynn smiles.

"Cmon!" Asher yells as they all begin running. They run up the stairs and dash for the train station before stopping half way, spotting Galo and quickly returning to hiding behind the wall.

Brooklynn stopped Cinder in his tracks, who came running up to the others, Nathan limping behind, Brooklynn shushed him. He stood up from his kneeling position and took a glance around the corner, seeing Galo doing whatever it is that a dinosaur does. He took a breather behind the wall and looked around the corner again, inspecting the stairs, taking a look at Galo, who was now picking up a barrel and shaking it around violently, "Move!" He whisper-yelled, motioning the others over as he ran across the area, quickly taking shelter behind the stairs, a confused look bearing his face as he motioned the others over once again, they moved halfway across the area before quickly turning back, as Galo quickly turned around.

Galo showed his face, almost discovering Cinder's location under the stairs. Galo starts approaching where the others are hiding but Cinder picks up a rock and quickly tossed it away, gaining the dinosaur's attention. As he stalked closer; Cinder swiftly slid under the stairs to the other side of them, leaving Galo's potential vision.

He quickly stood up and glanced over to the other campers, who all had their heads toppled around the corner, anime style. He motioned them over as everyone quickly rushed over and made their way up the stairs, but it was short lived as Galo quickly circled around towards the stairs. Cinder took cover behind the small wall that made for the railing. The campers started ascending the stairs again. "This is humiliating" Nathan mutters, painfully crawling up the stairs. Nessy runs up ahead quietly before she knocks a cup over. It bounces down the stairs and Brooklynn catches it, making a sound. She looks over and sighs of relief when the dinosaur doesn't notice. The campers quickly make it to the top after that.

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