The cattle drive

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"We thought it would be easy"

"A campaign like any other"

"We didn't realise how outnumbered we were... and the deaths... so many deaths..."

Everybody, par Nathan, is sitting around a crackling campfire late at night, on the balcony of the camp. Cinder was telling a story with the hood of his robe covering his head.

"The Umbarans were vicious, supported by the trade federa -" He's interrupted by a bright flash and the click of a phone camera. They all turn to Brooklynn, confused, and angry that she cut off the story at the exciting part.

"For the vlog, keep telling your little story" She said, getting her revenge for Cinder throwing her phone in the raptor pen. Cinder wanted to say something, since many people died in this real battle, and she dumbed it down to a little story, but he let it go, and flipped his hood back on.

"General Krell ordered a frontal assau-" He continues but is cut off by Brooklynn groaning. "Ugh, out of space! Wait, I'm sorry, hold on. I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Everest, you know?" She continues, showing a picture on her phone to Sammy. "I swear..." Hunter mutters next to Cinder.

Cinder sighs and continues. "I shared my disagreements but-" He's interrupted YET AGAIN by Sammy. "Shouldn't we call Nathan over?" She asks. "I bet he'd love this story." She adds as we all turn to Nathan. He is standing by the balcony as he stares at a small picture he brought with him.

"Maybe he wants to be by himself" Brooklynn suggests. Sammy turns around and looks confused. "... I don't understand."

"You know how people sometimes just wanna be left alone?" Hunter asks, having experience in wanting to be alone, especially now. Sammy chuckles. "Hunter, you're funny" She says, laughing.

"I think he's just shy and doesn't know how to make camp friends." She says. Nathan, obviously hearing this, lays his head on the beams along the balcony. Thunder booms out of nowhere, along with lightning. Rain starts to pour down and everybody shrieks. Everybody runs inside, while Nathan just walks, not really caring about the rain, since he put the photo in his pocket.

"Well that was a waste of time" Brooklynn comments as she is walking past Cinder. "Thanks Brooklynn..." He mutters

Nathan sits on the couch and takes his hat off, shaking the water off. "Shit, my revolvers got wet" He mutters, drying them off with his jacket. Sammy slides onto the seat next to him out of nowhere. "You need a friend!"

"Uh, what?" The gunslinger asks, quickly holstering his guns. "I'm such a ding-dong! You're alone, and when I feel alone, having a friend around sure is nice. I could use a friend, and you probably could, too, so I thought, "Nathan needs someone to make the first friendship move", so here I am!"She rants, so quickly that most of it was unintelligible.

"Uh, pardon?" He asks, not understanding a damn thing. She gasps. "Are those revolvers?" She asks, moving his jacket out of the way. "I love guns! We could maybe go target practice together, pull you out of your shell." She says.

"Uhh, pretty happy in my shell" Nathan says awkwardly, subtly scooting away some. "No one likes the shell, stops people from getting to know you" Sammy says. "No shit" Nathan grumbles.

He gets up and walks away as Sammy yells, "I know you're just shy!" "Can't hear you in my shell!" He shouts back with a slight smirk.


The campers pull up to a valley, and the truck comes to a halt, with three gyrospheres in the fore. There were only six campers, since Asher stayed at camp and Easton stayed with him, much to the boy's dismay.

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