Prologue- Meeting Him

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Warning: Rape ahead!! 🔞

"Hi Susan" Fowler greeted the young woman who was walking to her car.

"Hi Fowler, you heading back home?"

"Yup, got lots of work to do." He groans out as Susan giggles.

"How bout you?"

"Same, however, I'll just go and come back. I'm just heading home to get some stuff I forgot ."

Susan explains with a tired yet soft smile to her friend who nodded and waved her goodbye as he drove off.

Susan smiles as she enters her car, sighing as she looks up at the sky while holding her necklace one belonging to her mother.


Susan arrived home finding her front door open. Her heart stops at the thought of someone in her home or waiting for her just to attack her. As a agent she carries her weapon around, so she pulls it out of her bag.

Susan looks around finding her neighborhood silent. It was rare. Her neighborhood was so peaceful and no trouble occurred! Why now of all times did someone plan to barge in?!

The agent enters looking around her home calling out for the intruder. As she enters her front door closes shut and as her body turns a presence slams her to the floor. She tries to scream only for cold metal to cover her mouth.

As she looks up a metal being looks down on her with a dark evil smirk.

His red eyes installed dear on the young woman as she looked up on horror. The being leans in to her neck taking a whiff of her perfume he has gotten used to love.

For weeks he watched from a far at the woman waiting for the perfect time.

"Gods your so beautiful." He groans out in lust as his servo moves from her soft lips.

"W-What are you?"

"I'm Megatron, dear. I'm a cybertronian as are you from the looks of it." He mumbles as he looks at her necklace holding ancient crybertronian.


Megatron chuckles darkly ripping her clothes off. Susan gasps only to choke on her scream as Megatrons slams into her.

The agent screams at the pain as she feels the mech slowly yet harshly thrust into her. The pain of the stretch soon overrides as pleasure overtakes her body.

She tries to pull away only for Megatron to smirk and harshly hold her wrist as his pace quickens.

Screams and moans fill her home as Megatron fucks her. Her cries are shut down as his dermas slams to her lips. His denta's bite her lips drawing a moan as she felt her body respins to the pleasure.

"Like it?" He chuckles as his servos hold her legs up and wrap themselves around him.

Susan mumbles shaking her head trying to still pull away. All of a sudden she reaches her peak completely drenching Megatron.

Megatron chuckles filling her with his transfluid as her cries beg him not to.


Fowler dashed to the hospital as soon as he got the news. Susan was found by some colleague who went to check on her only to find her crying and naked in her living room.

As he entered her room the officers leave Susan who looked down holding her necklace in her hands.

"Susan!" Fowler calls out to his friend who looked up at him.

"What happened?!"

Susan tears up shaking her head finding it difficult to tell her friend about being raped by a alien robot.

"I-I don't know" she lies as tears roll down.


Here she was nine months later and giving birth to her little girl. Fowler held his friend's hand as another contraction hit her.

"I can't Fowler! I can't! It hurts too much!" She cried out as she pushes again.

"Don't worry, Susan. You're so close." Fowler comforts her as she pushes one last time.

Cries of a newborn fill the room as the normal-looking baby girl is cleaned up by nurses.

"H-How's my baby?" Susan groans out weakly to her friend.

"She's perfect Susan." He smiles softly as Susan smiles and looks at her baby wrapped in a blanket.

"Fowler..."Susan mumbles as her body slowly grows weak.

"Shh, I know." He tears up as Susan tears up smiling softly at him and her baby girl.

"P-Protect my little sunshine." She groans as her eyes close and her body grows cold and limp.

Fowler sobs looking at his dead friend before looking at the sleeping baby held by the nurse.  His arms stretch out to the baby and his eyes look down in adoration at the baby.

"Hi, little Stella." He mumbles softly to the sleeping baby girl who held her dead mother's necklace.

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