9- Leaving you

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It's been a few weeks since she ended it, and she never felt worse. All Stella has been doing is lying down in bed and going to school. Thankfully, she was just two weeks away from her graduation, which meant moving! 

She ended things with Optimus over the war. A war that started before she was even born!

She hated herself and will never forget how Optimus begged for her to stay with him. Damn it he even proposed just so she wouldn't leave!




"I asked you if you needed some help with anything?" He asked her as she unpacked some of her stuff. They had just taken the first baby steps to Stella moving in. They both agreed it was best to start off by having Stella leave some clothes.

"No, I'm fine. Thanks." She sighed folding some of her blouses.

"Hey, you sure?"

"Damn it, Optimus! Yes!" Stella yelled out stunning Optimus and her.

"S-Sorry, I've just been really stressed out over some finals."

"You maybe need some rest. You're probably overworked." Her boyfriend kisses her cheek as he soothes her back.

"Probably." She lies knowing her outburst wasn't over the finals she was sure she would pass.


"Yes?-" At that moment, Ratchet calls for the Prime to accompany him on a mission.

"Ok, Ratchet. Sorry, sweetspark I have to go. We'll talk when I get back, okay?"

Stella nods kissing her boyfriend softly before seeing him rush out of "their" berthroom.


"So, Stella's moving into the base?" Ratchet asks his friend as they walk in the woods and follow an energon trace.

"Not officially. We decided it would be better if she simply left some clothes in the base and at times stayed."

Ratchet nods looking back at the trace.

"Have you noticed anything off of her?"

"I don't really keep my optics on her. Why?"

"I don't know. Lately, she's just been off. Today she snapped at me and she's been really anxious for the past week."

"Maybe she's stressed over the whole moving in?"

"You think?"

"Probably. Maybe she's just stressed and you're overthinking it."

"Yeah..." Optimus mumbles as the trace stops.

"Why did it stop here?" Ratchet asks looking around along with Optimus.

Optimus hears a snap from a twig and he turns before being met with a punch from Megatron. Ratchet shoots the Decepticon leader and is knocked out by Knockout.

"You fragging dare get with my daughter?" Megatron growled as he stepped on Optimus's servo.

"She's no daughter of yours!"

Megatron shoots the Prime and grabs him tightly by his neck, before turning to an injured Ratchet.

"I'll fragging kill you next time I see you. No one can even be with my child. So I guess I'll have to give you a warning." The Decepticon leader smirks taking a knife from a chuckling Knockout.

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