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She locked herself in her room.

Fowler banged the door, calling for his crying daughter who was taking in the news. He was not her father. Her father was a monster who raped her mother.


"Leave me alone!" Stella cried out before sobbing out  curses.

"Stella, please-"

"Shut up!"

Stella's sobs grow louder and as they do her necklace seems to glow. The young woman opens her mind, and her eyes widen at the glow radiating from her necklace.

"What the-"


As soon as Fowler fell asleep she sneaked into his office. She went through his drawers trying to find any papers, and when she does she finds them in a black folder with her mothers name.

She opens the folder and her eyes begin to dash through every word and letter.

In big bolded words the name of a warehouse catches her attention. She dials the number and calls the owner asking to open the warehouse in her mothers name.

"Mind if I stop by tomorrow at 6am?"

"That early?! I'm not so sure miss. We open at 7:30 and if you are gonna open it that early, ya need to persuade me. I need a good reason, miss." The owner tells her.

"Please. Look I really need to."

"Give me a good reason?"

"Let's just say I found out my dad's not really my dad and my family may be really fucked up."


"Here, miss." The man opens the messy warehouse and hands her the keys.

"When was the last time this was opened?!" Stella groans as she looks at all the dusty boxes and spiders crawling around.

"I don't know and don't care." The owner groans before leaving her.

Stella enters and starts to open boxes.

It's when she opens a box filled with diaries with some wired emblem that her necklace shines again. She opens the diary and her eyes widen.

'I've seen to have attracted him and he has attracted me.

He's not from this world.  He's from another world! A world far from this one! He says he's a prime! I remember when I first him out in the woods, and he was wounded. He had come in search of more life out of his.'

Stella begins to flip through the pages and finds a picture of  a woman with a bot and holding a little baby. That same woman had her necklace!

She goes back into the box and finds a photo album. As she looks through the photo all the woman wear the same necklace, and then she gets to her mothers baby photo and also sees her wearing the necklace.

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