8- Processing

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"How exactly did humans come to bear a relic from a prime?" Ratchet asks as he examines Stella's necklace.

"A-A relic?"

"He's talking about stone, sweetspark. It was lost and many considered it to be a mere legend." Optimus informs Stella.

"Back when the Primes fought Unicron one of them held a special stone. That stone provided the power needed to defeat him. The stone had so much power that all the primes wanted to destroy it so no Cybertronian would bear its powers."

"However, the stone was lost." Optimus finishes off as he looks closer to the stone.

"How are you both so sure it's that so-called stone?"

"Cause of the sigil. Each prime had a sigil from one of the original primes." 

Suddenly the stones shine brightly for a moment before slowly returning to their normal form.

"Again, how did humans come to bear it?" Ratchet asks Stella.


Stella hands him the journals and Ratchet flips through the fragile pages. 

"Where did Optimus go?"

"While you went off to get the journals and photos he had to go and help out Bulk who was ambushed," Ratchet explains to her. 

Stella nods looking down and away from the mech who sighs.

"It's not your fault, you know?"

"What is?"

"Being his daughter, Stella. You're not to blame."

"Do you not even hate me a little bit?"

"Why would I?" The mech asks her in confusion.

"My father destroyed your home-"

"Fowler is your father, not Megatron." Ratchet reminds the young girl as she leaves the Medbay.

As he flipped through the pages he got to a photo of a Prime holding a baby.


"Dad, I'm home!" Stella yelled as she threw her keys and jacket onto the couch.

She walks to the kitchen to simply find a note with her father's writing informing her that he is going to be late. Stella walks to the fridge finding nothing to eat for dinner, and her stomach grumbles in response. 

As she looked around for any source of nutrients.

She grabs a Coke and opens the can before turning to her phone to respond to a message her boyfriend sent to her earlier.

Opi <3: Are you home?

Sunshine: Yes. Why do you ask?

Opi <3: Just checking.

Opi <3: Arcee and I are going on a mission, and we won't be back till later.

Sunshine: Ok, promise me you'll take care.

Opi <3: Promise, sweetspark 


"Hi, guys!" Stella waved to the bots as she entered the base from the elevator.

"Where's Optimus?" She asks turning to Bulk.

"Optimus is in his berthroom. He needed some rest." Bulk tells her as he and Bee play.

Stella nods walking to his berthroom and overhears him talking to Ratchet.

"Optimus, Megatron has been more brutal. We don't have that much materials. Maybe, this is a way to end the war?"

"No, old friend. Stella doesn't want anything to do with Megatron. Plus, he's being more brutal due to my relationship with her. I will not marry her as a treaty. If I marry her it'll be cause she and I are ready." 

Stella's eyes widen and she hides when she hears Ratchet leave Optimu's berthroom.

"This relationship between you and her will either be our doom or the main reason to end this war." Ratchet declares as he leaves the Prime's berthroom.

And his words hit Stella hard, cause it was then she understood how important of an impact her relationship with Optimus had on the war against the Decepticons. She began thinking of all the outcomes this relationship can lead to, and Ratchet was right. This relationship may lead to Optimus and the rest of the Autobot's death, or it could be an alliance. Then, she began thinking of the outcomes if she and Optimus weren't even together. 

As she thought, Stella realized it was better to end it. That way neither of them would have the pressure of a marriage alliance, nor have to face death. She loved him with all her heart and soul, yet she knew it was better to end it. 

As Stella finished processing what she would do footsteps snap her back to reality. She quickly wipes off the tears that she had just noticed. She turns a corner and is met with her boyfriend who smiles softly at her.

"Is everything alright, sweetspark?" Prime asks as his smile fades and he hovers with worry over Stella's red eyes.

"Y-Yes. Something just got in my eye."

Optimus nods kissing her forehead softly, unknowingly conscious that his girlfriend was considering ending things between them.

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