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"Where were you?!" Fowler yells in worry as Stella enters her home.

"You better haven't gone off to see him!"

"And so what if I did?! You're not my father and have no reason to stop me from seeing him."

"Where did you go, young lady?"

"What do you know of my mom?"

Fowler's eyes soften and his glance lands on Stella.

"Being honest I don't know. All I ever remember is that she....your mother was kind and gentle."

"Did she ever consider aborting me?" Stella tears up as her once-considered father walks up to her and holds her tight.

"After what happened, a week later she found out about you. She called me and I asked her the same thing."

"What did she say?" Stella sniffs.

"Even though the child's father ruined her, her child is not to blame for his actions. This child is a part of her and not his." Fowler cries as he holds Stella tighter.

"I may not be your father by blood, yet I was in every appointment to see you grow in your mom's belly. I loved her and when she died I promised to be your father. You're still my daughter, my little sunshine."

"Oh, Dad. I-Im so sorry, Dad." Stella cried as she held her father and cried into his chest.

"I guess I'll have to tell Prime." He sniffs as he pulls away and his smile softens as Stella's eyes widen.

"I may not be happy about what happened between you both, especially how I found out."



Her father smiles softly and his hands caress her cheek.

"Does he make you happy, sunshine?"

Stella nods to her father who takes out his phone and dials Prime.


When he saw her his optics widened.

He wondered if it was a hallucination, however, when he saw her eyes that's when he knew it was her: his sweetspark and the daughter of his once-considered brother.

Stella runs to his arms and he immediately hugs her tightly.

Was it wrong? When they first got together he didn't know, nor had any clue that her true father was Megatron. Was she his niece? Was this incestuous? He and Megatron are not brothers by blood. 

He had many thoughts and questions however when he looked down and saw her eyes. All those thoughts disappeared.

"O-Optimus." Stella sobs.

"Shh, shh, I know." He comforts her calmly as his servo caresses her back, softly and gently. 

"Everything's gonna be alright, sweetspark. My feelings for you haven't changed, and they will not." Optimus reassured Stella.


Stella slept comfortably that night in his arms; his servos held her tightly as his frame held her closely.

He looked down at her necklace and held it in his servo as his optics analyzed it.


"Hmm?" Stella groans as her eyes slowly open it and saw her boyfriend obersing her necklace.

"Where did you get this necklace?" He asks her causing Stella's eyes to widen.

She leans away from her boyfriend who looks at her as her eyes drift away from him.

"It belonged to my mother." She responds calmly to the mech who still looked at the necklace.

"It's a old necklace that runs in my family." Stella looks down at her necklace.

"Is it cause of the writing on it?"

Optimus nods.

"Where did your family get it?" Optimus asks Stella who begins to take it off.


Stells looks down and afraid at Optimus who gently caresses her cheek.

"You know where they got it from, right?"

Stella nods.

"If you don't wish to tell me I understand-"

"It was given by a Prime." 

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