1- Thoughts

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"Thanks, Optimus." Stella smiles as she enters the truck that picked her up from school.

Stella was now eighteen and lived with her father-figure Agent Fowler. Thanks to her father's job she became familiar with the Autobots and Decepticons after Starscream kidnapped her along with her father. Before that she knew her dad's job was "Top Secret", however, she never expected to be met with aliens! 

She remembers how Optimus broke into where Starscream held her, and how he easily beat Starscream. Since then, her eyes immediately fell on the leader, and the leader's eyes fell on the agent's daughter. 

"No problem, Stella." Prime responds as the young girl sits on the seat.

His heating fans go off as he sees her breast through the cleavage from her blouse.

"Oppi, can I ask you a favor?"

"Depends, sweetspark." 

Stella smile softly at the nickname she's gotten used to. Ever since they first met that's been her nickname. She knew what it meant, and knew the significance. it was his way of telling her he loved her. They knew how deep their feelings for one another were, yet they both said nothing. The number of times they've come close to confess or do something, only to get interrupted by a call, or by someone. 

Since they met they've felt some sort of strong connection with one another. It was extraordinary, however, it was a strong bond that bonded them with one another. 

Before she can ask, a Decepticon attacks causing Optimus to transform back and hold Stella. At that moment, Megatron transforms back with a grin Optimus has become familiar with. 


"Don't worry, Sweetspark."  He whispers to a scared Stella who nods softly at him.

"Ohh, look at this! Prime with his pet!"

Optimus turned back glaring at Megatron who smirked at him. Stella hides behind Optimus who glances back at her before turning back at his old friend-now enemy.

"Stella, leave." He mumbles as he slips out his sword.

"I'm not leaving you!" Stella fights back as Optimus turns to her.

Before Optimus can react Megatron lands a punch on him. As Optimus lies on the ground, Megatron walks to Stella with a smirk that soon fades, when he sees a familiar necklace around Stella's neck. 

Optimus lands a punch on the Decepticon leader who soon fights back.


Optimus groans as Stella bandages his wound up drawing a soft sigh from the young woman.

"Everything alright?"

"No, everything's not alright, Optimus," Stella speaks up as she wraps his wound up.

Her forehead lands on his chassis as tears roll down and his arms wrap around Stella's body.

"What's wrong?" He whispers to Stella who hugs him back.

"Her birthday is coming up."

Stella tears up at the mention of her mother as Optimus caresses her back attempting to calm her down. 

"Do you want to talk about it?"

She shakes her head drawing a sigh from Optimus who pulls her closer to him, before wiping her tears away. Stella holds him back tighter as his servo softly caresses her back till it travels down. Optimus stops not wanting to force her in any way, however, it's when Stella looks up at the optics that he knows she has no problem at all. 

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