13- Our future

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Fowler and Autobots kept a close eye on Stella and her pregnancy. Since Megatron took her hostage that was enough for everyone to keep her under guard 24/7, which of course irritated her. She knew they were doing it for her safety and the safety of the little ones inside her. However, she grew irritated! 

If she went out to shop or even do anything away from the base, she was kept a close eye on by agents her father asked to keep an eye on her, or even an Autobot.

Stella hated being treated as if she were a rare delicate porcelain doll being kept and secured in some museum. 

Even her health was being checked as much as Ratchet could. Since she was carrying triplets Ratchet and Optimus feared she might miscarry, or Stella wouldn't make it when the time came. So her health was always kept in check.

Thankfully, she was lying in bed reading a book to the babies in her now-swollen belly. She was only four months pregnant and was already showing, which is not surprising since she was expecting three babies. 

Her head turned away from the book at the sound of Optimus entering their shared berthroom. She smiled at the sight of him entering so carefully as if not wanting to interrupt her reading. 

"Sorry for interrupting, sweetspark."

"It's okay." She giggled patting the empty spot next to her, so he could come and join her.

"How was the mission?"

"We were able to supply ourselves with energon." He groaned lying next to the carrier of his sparkling.

His servo travels to her womb and caresses it softly; fearing he would hurt Stella or the babies inside her. Her hand lays on top of his servo and moves it to the center of her belly.

"Ratchet said they would start kicking anytime." 

Optimus smiles caressing her belly, before leaning down to kiss it.

"I need you three to take it easy on your carrier. Don't be kicking her too much, Sweetsparks."

Stella giggles caressing his helm before returning to the book and continuing reading it.


"Dad!" Stella hugged her father tightly before sitting down in the chair across from him. He had invited her for brunch and Stella immediately agreed at the mention of food.

"Here's your grandkids." She giggles showing him her most recent ultrasound showing the three babies.

"They're so adorable. I think that one may have your mother's nose." Fowlers jokes as he keeps on admiring the ultrasound. 

"Optimus and I have already been planning on names."

"Oh, yeah? What are they?" He asks his sight never parting from the picture.

"We have three names in mind. Susan, Orian, and William."

Fowler looks up his eye widening at the mention of his name as the name of Stella's baby.


"Named after his pop-pop. And Susan after Mom." Stella smiles hugging her father.

Megatron looked out from afar in anger, as he watched his child hug someone else whom she considered her actual father.


"Stella!" Miko yelled as she ran and hugged the young pregnant woman who had just arrived from Brunch with her father.

"Miko! Be careful!" Ratchet calls out to the teen girl.

"I'm just hugging her!"

"It's fine." Stella laughs as Miko pulls away.

"Ratchet, is Optimus back from his mission?"

"He'll be back soon." 

Stella nods walking to the couch where her three friends were busy playing video games.

"My mom was wondering how your pregnancy has been going."

"Well, it's been going well. They haven't kicked yet, but Ratchet told me pretty soon they'll be kicking around." She laughs caressing her swollen belly.

"Does it hurt?" Ralph asks after seeing Stella caress her belly.

"Mmm, a bit. It's mainly my back and feet cause of all the weight."

"Do you crave anything? Back in middle school, my bio teacher was knocked up and all she did was eat grilled onions. The whole class including her smelled like onions for weeks!" Miko laughs remembering having to hold her breath just to not take a whiff of the grilled onion.

"Well, being honest I've been having some cravings. The other day I was craving some instant noodles." 


"Want me to rub some lotion?"

"Please!" Stella groans feeling his cold metal hands spread her favorite lavender lotion on her swollen belly.

A soothed sigh leaves her making Optimus chuckle and smile softly at her calmed state. As he rubbed the lotion on her belly both parents jumped at an odd feeling. Stella looks down at the sensation of feeling something or rather someone kick her! Her boyfriend looks down and moves his hand from the spot to see how his child begins kicking. 

Both parents look up at one another and look back down smiling at the sight of their children kicking. That was till Stella hissed when they began kicking far too much. However, even then she still smiled.

"Calm down in there. I'm not a punching bag." 

Optimus smiles holding Stella's face in his servos and he leans in kissing her lips softly yet passionately. He never thought or even dreamed of having sparklings with anyone! Back when he was Orion, all he thought about was his work and the knowledge he learned to make Cybertron a better place. Then unexpectedly he became a Prime. As soon as he became a Prime he focused on fixing Cybertron meanwhile also trying to regain his friendship with Megatron.

Later on, the war began and well he had no time to be thinking about settling down or sparking a femme. Having sparkling and settling down with someone was never something in his mind. He focused on his work, and that's all!

Stella changed that in him! She became the woman he wanted to be with! She became the woman he wanted to have sparkling with! She became his future.

By when Optimus was mind stopped drifting away he found himself already removing her shirt, and squeezing her breasts. He leans closer drawing a moan from a turned-on Stella. His servo traveled from her breast, to her belly, and down to the wetness between her legs. Prime pulls away leaving Stella a panting mess.

"You're my future."

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