16-Father's love

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His servos held the tiny little form softly- afraid to put his child down. Optimus places his sparkling on a small blanket and wraps the tiny cloth around his son's limp frame. As he held his boy the only thing he could think about was how things could have gone differently. 

Prime looked at his son one final moment and took in how he had his carrier's black locks. His little eyes were closed making his sire unable to see if he had his optics or Stella's eyes. However, as he looked at him, he pictured his boy with Stella's eyes and sleeping soundly. When he finished wrapping his son he placed his limp body in a wooden box. 

And all he did was stare down at his child as tears ran down.


"Megatron will look to ally himself with Unicron," Ratchet tells his friend, as the Prime dozed off still mourning the loss of his child.


At seeing Optimus not responding Rathet places his servo on his friend's shoulder cutting him from his trance.

"Unicron is going to wake up, Optimus. If he does this planet as we know it will..."

"I know." Optimus nods pacing back and forth unable to think of anything else other than Stella.

"Megatron is dangerous enough with dark energon flowing through him, and we need to stop the both of them."

Ratchet nods glancing at Optimus as he stared at Stella's bedroom.

"She'll be fine. I'll make sure she's well taken care of along with the sparklings."

"Please do, old friend. She and I can't take another loss, especially her."

Ratchet nods about to call for the rest of the Autobots however, Optimus stops him.

"I'll go. Unicron wants me."


"He wants me, and I won't let any of you get hurt cause of me."

"Optimus, if something happens to you Stella-"

"I'll make sure to protect myself."

"Last time you went out alone, the Autobots saved you!" Ratchet yelled loud enough to wake up Stella.

"If anything happens to you, it will stress her, and the sparklings out more. You don't want her to have the conscious that Megatron-"

"Nothing will happen to me, " Optimus reassures Ratchet as he walks to his shared bedroom with Stella.

When Optimus opened his bedroom door his optics widened at seeing Stella wide awake and sitting up.

"How are you-"

"You're leaving?" She tears up afraid he will confirm her suspicion.


Optimus closes the door and walks to his beloved as she embraces him tightly, afraid to let him go.

"I can't lose you, too. We can't lose you, too." She tears up crying to Optimus.

"You won't." He reassured her with a soft kiss as he caressed her swollen belly and held her tightly. 

"I'll come back to you and our children,"

"Must you go alone?"

Optimus nods kissing his wife before looking down at her belly.

"I love you, my spark."

"And I love you, more."


"You called for me?" Arcee asked Stella as she entered her bedroom.

Stella nods sitting up only for Arcee to rush to her and help her lie down.

"You need to rest, Stella."

"How am I going to rest when the father of my children is out there fighting Unicron? I asked you to come for a favor."

"What is it?" Arcee asks worried for Stella's wellbeing, especially after she lost one of the sparklings.

"If anything goes wrong, promise me you will save him."


"Promise me! Please, promise me Arcee! I can't bear to lose him! I beg you!" Stella tears up holding onto Arcee's servo.

"I'll make sure to help him. I promise." Arcee nods holding his pregnant friend's hand.


"You think I would ally with you?" Unicron chuckled looking down at Megatron.

"You have nothing to offer me, plus you're nowhere near my level, Megatron. I can have you serve me to kill the last remaining Prime, and one of my former brothers descendant."

"What are you talking about? Optimus is the last-"

"He's the last mech holding the title of a Prime. However, there's a human who has the energon of a Prime flowing through her veins."

"W-What?" Megatron gasped not knowing there was a human as a descendant of one of the original Primes.

"I can feel her presence. She's carrying the Prime's sparkling."

At that moment, Megatron's optics widen and he slowly steps away from the mech he once looked up to. Now he understood everything.

He understood why Susan had a necklace with an ancient Cybtertronian symbol. He understood why Optimus felt a certain attraction to Selena of all people. 

"You can serve me, but as not my equal. Consider me your lord-"

"Never!" Megatron screams fisting his fists and flying off now willing to do anything to protect his child.

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