15- My Baby

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"How is she doing?!"

"She's doing well."

"And the sparklings?" he asked worried for his sparklings fearing they might have not made it.

When Ratchet looks away Optimus looks at his friend knowing his fear was going to indeed happen.

"She lost one, Optimus. The other two are alright, however, the pregnancy is now a high-risk."

Optimus shakes his helm not believing that one of his sparkling was dead. Just a few hours ago, she and their sparkling were doing well. And now she's in bed and one of their sparkling was gone. From outside of their berth, he could hear her sobs of sadness and despair. 

"Will, the other two make it?" he looked up at Ratchet who wasn't sure.

"I still don't know. We won't know till later. I advise her to be on bed rest, till she's due."

Optimus nods and walks to open the door, but turns to his friend.

"If Fowler or June try to come, do not let them." He glares at his friend who nods at the angered Autobot leader.


He sat by her side holding her hand and wiping her tears away.

"It's my fault." She sniffed holding onto Optimus servo.

"Sweetspark, it wasn't." He comforted her, soothing her back.

"I want our baby back, Optimus." She sobs holding Optimus tightly, fearing to be left alone.

Optimus lays in their bed holding her closely as she sobs out and mourns the loss of their child. He held in his tears not wanting her to stress over him, and right now he wanted to comfort his girlfriend. 

He caresses her belly softly and pulls her face to his.

"We may have lost one of our sparkling, however, we still have our two little ones, Sweetspark. Our sparkling will always be in our minds and sparks, however, right now we need to focus on them." He caresses her bump, and Stella nods snuggling closer to his touch and warmth.

As she snuggled into him, his servo traveled to her back and soothingly comforted her. His dermas land on her forehead and leave her soft gentle kisses.

He looks down and finds his girlfriend has fallen asleep. However, it's when their little one kicks that a small smile appears on her and him.

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