14- Fighting Begins

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The weather being off was very unexpected. It had been raining non-stop which was weird since it didn't rain too often in Jasper. 

Stella enters her father's house and places her bag on the counter.

"Dad! I brought you your jacket! You forgot it at the base!" Stella yelled out walking down the hall to the master bedroom only to find June exiting the master bedroom.

The nurse stops in her tracks looking at Stella

"Umm, your dad's not here."

"And why are you here?" Stella glares down at the nurse taking a step to the door only for June to block her.

"You wouldn't push a pregnant woman." 

Stella pushes June finding her father's bed a mess. She turns to the nurse with a knowing glare.

"You're fucking my dad?!"

"S-Stella, let me explain. it's not what it looks like."

"You of all people exited my dad's room leaving his bed a mess. You telling me you simply came into his bedroom and entered to leave the sheets looking like that!" She pointed to the bed.

"Stella I-" At that moment, June's phone rang and her eyes widened turning to a now worried Stella.


Stella held his hand softly and tried not to look at June too much. As if on cue, the rest of the Autobots arrive holding a weakened Optimus. Her eyes widen at the sight of her injured boyfriend and she turns to go to him, but he shakes his helm. And it was due to the dark energon he made contact with while fighting Megatron.

He smiles softly at Ralph who smiles back at him with a small, "Hey."

"He's lucky to be alive." June glared at Optimus blaming him for the attack on Ralph.

His smile faded and looks away from the nurse angrily glared at him. She turned to Stella who glared her down. 

"Megatron found more of the dark stuff?" Jack asks standing by his mother's side unaware of Stella's eyes glaring at his mother.

"A volcano full," Arcee informs him before turning to Bulk asking how it was even possible.

"No, the question is what? As in, What in the world is the blood of Unicron doing here on Earth?" he asks.

"The con's killed a unicorn?" The Autobots turn to Miko confused as to what she meant by a unicorn.

"White horse with a horn on its head? Prances around all sparkly."

"I don't think they mean that Unicorn, Miko." 

"Unicron!" Ratchet corrects the young human.

That was when Ratchet began explaining Unicron's connection to the dark energon that harmed Ralph.

"I've heard enough. Jack, please help me get him to the car." June asks her son ready to wheel Ralph out.

"Mom, I thought he was doing better."

"Ralph needs to be examined by real doctors, and Ralph's family needs to know what has happened."

Stella turns to Optimus who watches on in disbelief. however, when June says his real family, she sees how her words hit Optimus.

"Mom his family can't protect. Not like they can." Jack tries to persuade his mother but she doesn't listen to him. 

"June, it deeply grieves me that I have failed." Optimus stands up.

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