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Fowler was happy. His daughter and the Autobot leader returned to being formerly towards one another. However, they were too friendly.

He saw how they touched one another when they thought he wasn't looking. He saw how their sights lingered. One thing that waved a red flag was when the Prime's servo and touch lingered around Stella's behind.

That's when he started questioning the friendship of the Prime with his sweet daughter.

"Prime, can we talk?" Fowler asked Optimus who was talking with Stella.

Optimus nodded before excusing himself to Stella who smiled softly and glanced at the leader with pure fascination and adoration. A glance Fowler has seen in her eyes with past boyfriends she brought for him to meet. A glance and look of love.

He shakes his head at the idiotic idea. Prime and his daughter would never be in a relationship. He's a bot and his daughter is a human. Also, Optimus would never betray his trust and loyalty by sleeping with his friend's daughter.


"Fuck!" Stella moans out as she drools all over the pillow as Optimus bangs into her.

Her bedhead bangs into the wall, as his thrust met her body.  Sweat drips down her body, and all she does is moan out his name and for his spike that was slowly leaking some transfluid into her gummy walls.

Unfortunately, he hears a car park outside, and the leader seizes his thrusts.

"Opi!" Stella whines as he stops and exits her dripping and stuffed cunt.

"Your father." He gasps as he gets up and looks out the window.

The leader watches as the agent exits the car and enters his house. The same house where Optimus was after having been fucking the agent's daughter since he left for a quick meeting.

Stella quickly shoved the sundress she wore before she and her boyfriend were having sex. She opens her window and pushes Optimus as he gets off. Her father's footsteps grow louder as he approaches her bedroom.

"Stella, want pizza?" Fowler asks his daughter as he opens her bedroom door and finds her on her bed reading a book.

"Yes, daddy." Stella smiles as Optimus now drove off and away.


Megatron watched as he saw Optimus leave his daughter's bedroom. For months he has kept an eye on his lost child from afar. And that day he watched as Optimus exited her bedroom. 

His dentas gritted as he watched in rage how his daughter kissed Optimus as he escaped from her home. Soon she'll call the Deception ship home, and Megatron "Sire".


She walked home with her textbooks in one hand and her phone in the other.

"I miss you, handsome." She smiled as she talked with Prime.

"Me too, sweetspark"

Stella giggles as she remembers the other day.

"You should smile more."

"You like it when I smile?"

"Yup. Especially when your optics look at me." She smiles drawing a chuckle from the Prime, who was probably alone since he wouldn't be laughing around anyone. 

"Love you, sweetspark." He whispers into the phone as Stella feels butterflies flutter.

" And I love you too, Opi."

Stella hangs up and drops her phone at the sight of Knockout and Breakdown driving to her. She runs only to trip and get caught by Knockout before being put into a deep sleep.

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