10- I need you

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"Congrats," Jack and her other two friends congratulated Stella as she walked out of the school.


"Your dad may have accidentally spilled the news of the University," Miko explained as she hugged her friend.

"Shit! I'm so sorry. I-"

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We understand. Plus, we've also been pretty busy." Ralph hugs Stella who hugs him back.

It was awkward hanging out, since when they got to the base they would be met with a heartbroken and emotionless Optimus. They knew Stella was also hurting, but she tried to hide it with a smile.

At that moment, the Autobots honk to earn the kid's attention and they all turn to see the whole team! Optimus was parked across the street and Stella's heart stopped at seeing him. The kids turn to her and notice her glassy eyes.

"W-Well, see y-you guys tomorrow." Stella walks off leaving the group.

As she walked tears began rolling down and she immediately wiped them when she heard the familiar truck driving up to her. She walked faster not wanting to see him and turned into a corner bumping into someone.

"Damn it. I-I'm so sorry!" Stella apologizes stretching her hand out for her book only for the person to pick it up.

"Nothin' to worry, doll." The guy smirks handing Stella her textbook.

"Hey, ya that smart girl in my bio class, right?"

Stella nods to the guy to distract herself from the obvious parked Optimus.

"Well, damn me. I've been trying to find ya. I need some help with tha' class. Mind helping me?"

"S-Sure." Stella nods to the guy.

"Name's Dan by the way."

"I'm Stella, but I guess you already know that."

"What a damn fine name for ya. You are just as gorgeous as the sun." The guy smiles taking her hand and kissing the back of it; angering the Prime.

Stella pulls her hand away glancing softly at her ex in sadness.

"Sorry, doll. I didn' know ya had someone."


"The way ya lookin' at tha' truck." He points to Optimus before looking back at Stella.

"Who thought a girl like you with a trucker? Ya seem so innocent." Dan chuckles taking out a pen and sticky note from his backpack.

"Here's my number so ya can help me out." He winks writing in the paper and giving it to Stella as she watches him walk off.


"Thanks again, doll." Dan grins as Stella takes out her textbook.

"No problem." Stella nods opening up her Bio notes unbeknownst to them that Optimus was watching them. He knew something was off the moment Dan bumped into Stella. 

Optimus wanted to take Stella and kiss her to show Dan who she truly belonged to.

"So, that trucker of yours. Have ya had sex?"

"W-What?!" Stella blushes madly looking away from Dan.

"Ya did! Damn, the teacher's pet is getting fucked by a trucker. Aye, by the way, how old is he?"

"None of your business."

"Come on, doll. Atleast give me a hint."

"H-He might be just as old as my dad." Stella blushes looking down at her notes as Dan gasps and chuckles before pleading to know his actual age.

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