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"Dad,I'm going to the library!" Stella calls out as she grabs her bag.

"Again? You've been going nonstop." He asks very curious about her frequent visits to the library.

"It's cause I have a lot of finals coming up."

Fowler nods and watches as Stella steps out of their house.  She immediately is met with a waiting Optimus, and she rushes to him.


"We shouldn't do this." Optimus pants as Stella continues kissing his neck guard.

"Why not?" She giggles as she sits on Optimus tibulen. Her hands displayed on his chassis as she starts straddling him.

"This is wrong, Sweetspark."

"Does it feel good?"

"Y-Yes." He groans as Stella keeps on straddling him.

"Then it's not wrong." She whispers to Optimus as her lips slam themselves to his dermas.

A moan leaves his dermas making Stella giggle as she starts moving down to his crotch level. Primes servos tangle themselves in her hair as his spike breaks free.

"You sure you want this?"

Stella nods licking up his spike drawing a moan from the leader.


Fowler entered the library with coffee and Stella's favorite donut in hand. He enters looking around to no avail.

"Sir, need any help?" The librarian calls out to a lost Fowler.

"I'm trying to find my daughter. She told me she came to study for her finals."

"I can check if she checked in. Name?"

"Stella Fowler." He said as the librarian types the name into the system.

"Sorry sir but she hasn't checked in." The woman tells Fowler before helping a student with a textbook.


Their bodies tangled themselves as they allowed the pleasure overtake them. Stella held onto Optimus as his hips slammed into her, and her hands softly caressed his faceplate. His optics looked into her eyes as they both keep on ignoring the phone rings in the background.

On the floor, along with Stella's clothes was her phone with lost calls from her worried and anxious father.

"O-Optimus!" Stella moans out as the Prime flips the both of them, allowing Stella to ride him.


His dermas start kissing her breast's, and softly start biting them allowing a groan to leave his intake, as all he does is bury his faceplate in her breast.


"Damn it! Call already!" Fowler yells as he throws his phone to the passenger seat.

He arrives to the autobot base finding Ratchet working alone.

"What's wrong Agent Fowler?" The medic asks calmly, not looking at the agent as he kept on working.

"Where's everyone?!"

"The bots are out on a mission and the children are at home. As for Optimus he's in his berthroom, probably with Stella." Ratchet says still not looking at Fowler.


"They came earlier. Optimus told me they were gonna talk."


Ratchet and Fowler turn to Stella who walked by Optimus side.

"Everything alright, Agent Fowler?" Optimus asks as Fowler calms down at seeing his daughter safe and sound.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick!"

"The library didn't have the book I wanted, and Optimus told me he could help me study with some of my finals." She lies to her father, as if not just a few minutes ago she was fucking the Autobot leader, and have his overload now drip out of her and into her panties.

"How come you didn't call?"

"Unfortunately, Bulk's to blame." Ratchet explains to Fowler.

Fowler nods as his daughter walks off and to his car.

"Thanks Prime for helping and keeping my daughter safe."

"Anytime, Agent Fowler." Prime nods as the agent goes back to his car and drives off.

"Next time don't be so damn loud." Ratchet groans in disgust as he turns back to his work.

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