12- Got You Back

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Stella lay on her bed huddled in the blankets in the room Megatron had provided her. It was a nice room, yet he kept her locked up and under close supervision. 

She caressed her belly singing to the little life inside her. For three months she's been kept imprisoned, and for those three months, she knew Optimus was trying to find her and their little one.

"Check-up time." Breakdown announces to her as he and Knockout enter her room.

She turns to look up at them and looks away at seeing Knockout smile softly. Megatron gave him one order that Stella still feared, "Any little sign of a defect and kill it. If it poses any risk to her, kill it. If she tries to leave or try anything it means to escape, kill it."

"How have you been doing?" Knockout asks squirting some gel on her slightly swollen belly.

"Just nauseous." She tells him not sparing him nor Breakdown a glance.

As Knockout looks at the screen he turns worried to Breakdown. Stella's eyes begin to water fearing something was wrong with her babe or her. The big bot without an optic turns to the screen, and his one free optic widens. 

"Tell Megatron." 

Breakdown nods exiting the room.

"What's wrong? I-Is my baby alright?"

"Y-Yes. Sorry about that." He chuckles turning the screen to the expecting mother, before shock soon overtakes her when she looks at the screen.

At that moment, Megatron marches in worried and looks at the ultrasound machine's screen.

"My lord, from the looks of it Stella's expecting triplets."

"Can her body take it?" Megatron asks worried about the amount of sparkling his child would have to bear.

Knockout nodded turning to Stella as she thanked him.


"How's Optimus?" Miko asks the bots who turn to one another.

"He's in his berthroom," Arcee informs the young pink-haired adolescent.

"I'll go check on him."

"Ok, I'll take over for you." Arcee nods taking over the screening for the Decepticon ship.

Ratchet walks to his old friend's berthroom and sighs opening the door. He found the poor Prime also trying to find the Decepticon ship by inputting all the locations they have found or detected.


"I'm busy, Ratchet." The Prime tells his friend as he looks through some datapads.

"Have you found it?"

"N-No, Optimus."

"Then go find it."

"Arcee is taking over for me. You need a break."

"I'll have a break when my sparkmate that's carrying my sparkling comes back." Optimus spits back to the medic.


"FOUND OUT!" Bulkhead barges in yelling making both Autobots immediately turn.


"Arcee found it Optimus! Their shield was off for some brief minutes, but she found them!"

Ratchet turns to Optimus and he nods walking outside of his berth


"Damn it, Dan! Someone will find out!" Breakdown whisper shouted to the 

"Aye, there's a reason the lord asked me to spy on his kid. I'm good at keeping my identity a secret, pal. I sure hope those few seconds bought them an idea of where we're at." Dan groans turning to Breakdown. 

"What exactly are you, again?"

"A bot just like you, dipshit. The only difference is that when Soundwave made me, he made me with the intention of 'blending in'." Dan winks as they leave the control room.

As if on cue, the shots and explosions fill the halls bringing a smirk to Dan.

"Aye, remember the plan. You and Knockout better make it look like you're trying to protect her.

"Yeah, yeah." The big bot groans going to Stella's room.

Dan chuckles turns the hall and hides in time before the Autobots can see him. The Autobots pass him, before being met with attacks of the Decepticons.


"What's going on?!" Knockout asks Breakdown.

"The Autobots." Breakdown tells him bringing a smile of excitement to Stella.

However, her smile fades when Megatron enters and takes her arm.

"You'll be coming with me."

"No! Let me go!" She yells out loud enough for Arcee to hear.

Megatron raises his servo only for Arcee to barge in and attack both Breakdown and Knockout. Megatron takes his chance and pulls his daughter out of the room. Optimus sees this from the corner of his optics and turns completely to a struggling SGtella.

"STELLA!" He yelled calling for his beloved who turned at his voice.

"O-Optimus!" She smiles softly before being pulled away from Megatron.

Optimus runs to her only for Starscream to get in his way. Ratchet shots the second in command allowing the Prime to run after Stella.

"Let me go! you're hurting me!"

"He'll hurt you even more! He's no good for you!"

"He is! He loves me and I love him! My dad approves of him!"

"I'm your dad! You hear me?!"

"No, you're not! You raped my mother and killed your own home! You're trying to kill the father of my children! And now you're hurting me!" She yells to Megatron who stops in his tracks when he turns behind them to see Optimus.

"You! YOU! YOU BASTARD! First, you take what I worked so hard for and now you sparked my child!" Megatron yells out pushing Stella behind him earning a yelp from his daughter.

"I never meant to become a Prime, Megatron. I also didn't know she was your child when I fell in love with her. Forgive me for offending you however, I will not stand by and allow you to hurt others. Not even my spark mate and our sparkling."

"Sparklings." She corrects with a soft smile as tears run down her cheeks.

Optimus optics widen and he too smiles at his beloved.

Megatron raises his sword ready to bring it down on a distracted Optimus, but the Prime dodges his attack.

"Optimus!" Stella takes a step fearing for him.

"Stand back, Sweetspark!"

Optimus shields himself with his own sword and pushes Megatron back with his pedes.

"Ratchet a groundbridge now." He whispers so an angry Megatron won't notice.

As soon as the portal appears, Optimus shoots at Megatron and runs to Stella before grabbing a hold of her and jumping into the ground bridge.

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