5- Secrets Out

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Her eyes stung when they opened.

A bright light shined on her and momentarily made it difficult for her to see. Her world was still spinning around, yet not as bad as when the red car Decepticon put her to sleep.

She heard chuckles from a familiar voice she had heard several times. It's when her eyes focus that she finds her limbs chained and Megatron smiling softly at her.

"Where am I?!" She gasps as she looks around.

"Your new home, my child."

Stella looks confused at Megatron's nickname to her. He usually called her awful names, and why would he call the Decepticon's ship her new home?

Megatron leans in smirking before hugging a stunned and dumbfounded Stella. She pulls away looking at Megatron weidly at his behavior.

"I knew that necklace was familiar." He smiles as his servo touches the necklace once belonging to Susan.

"I remember seeing her with these. I still wonder where got it from."

"What are you talking about?" Stella asks concerned

"Your mother, my daughter."

At that moment, Stella's eyes go wide at the news.

"No! You're not my father!"

"Trust me child. I am. Your mother and I made you"

"NO! NO! I'M NOT YOUR CHILD! William Fowler is my father!" Stella yells out to Megatron who felt his spark break. His own child was in denial that he was her sire.

"I loved your mother, Susan."

"H-How do you know her name?" Stella asks to the Decepticon's leader.

"I loved her."


Fowler paced back and forth as the Autobot's tried to track Stella down.

"Agent Fowler." Optimus calls out to the worried agent.

"Any signs on her?"

"Not yet." Prime shakes his helm.

He too was worried, yet he knew he had to hold it all in. He couldn't show any sign of stress, so he wouldn't scare anybody else. He was worried for his sweetspark! He worried Megatron would harm her!

"Agent, head to my berthroom and rest. It looks like you need it."

"How am I suppose to sleep when my daughter was taking by Decepticon's?!"

Everyone turns to the pair and Optimus pulls a worried Fowler away to the hall

"I know you're worried. We all are, however, in times like this it's best to remain calm so we can work and figure things out. Plus, you need to rest." Optimus tells the Agent who nods.

Optimus leads him to his berthroom and turns to walk to the everyone else when Fowler called out to him.

"What happened?"

"Sorry, Agent Fowler but I don't understand?" Optimus asks confused.

"When I came to tell you about Stella you told me you both had talked over the phone."

"Yes, Agent. Why do you ask?"

"What were you and my daughter discussing about?" Fowler asks suspiciously. Why was Prime talking to his daughter?

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