2- Revealations

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Stella accompanied her father to the base and as soon as her eyes landed on Prime, she turned away. She was angry and upset at Optimus even though it's been a week since their argument. Why was she even mad? They're not even together?

As her father spoke to Prime she walked off to Jack, Miko, and Ralph who were playing video games.

They greet her and are quick to chat with the young adult, whom too started chatting just to distract herself.

"So, how did your projects go?" Stella asks remembering how last time they saw one another they were working on their projects.

They groan remembering and telling Stella about their disastrous projects. Stella laughs earning a soft glance from Prime. He hides his smile behind his servo, as he admires at her laugh and her soft smile as he talks to her father.


"Oh um yes, Agent Fowler?"

"I was talking about the cargo."

"Oh yeah, forgive me. I've been very busy lately, Agent." He lies hiding how he was actually admiring the agent's daughter.

Fowler nods and continues talking with the Prime who kept on admiring Stella.


"Stella." Optimus calls for the woman who turned around with her beautiful, long, silky, and soft black locks moving with her body.

"What?" She asks softly with her soft blue eyes looking at the Prime's optics.

"I wish to talk about the other day, Sweet spark."

She looks around them before leaning in and whispering to the mech.

" Right now is not a good time, Opi."

"Please, Sweetspark. I need to apologize and explain things-"

"If I remember you had a issue about my father finding out, yet when you both were talking you had no problem looking at me." She glares to Optimus as his optics bulge.

"You noticed?"

"Of course I did. Especially, if it's your optics that are watching me." She smiles softly to Optimus as he smiles back.

"And how exactly do you point out the difference from my optics watching you to someone else's?" He smirks as Stella giggles softly.

"Your spark. I can feel your intentions and feelings radiate off of every glance." She admits softly as her hand places itself on his chassis.

Optimus smiles softly as they lean in to another. His servos wrap around her waist as his arms pull her body closer to his frame. Her hands lay on his chassis as they slowly lean back into a wall.

Her eyes look up at his optics as they smile at one another. Her lips start to slowly close that gap between them, as his dermas too move closer.


"Yes, Optimus?" She whispers softly enlightening a fire in his spark as he hears his name leave her lips, as if it were the first time she ever mentioned him.

"I love you." He finally admits to Stella who immediately slams her lips to his dermas.

He kisses back holding her tightly in his hold as his glossa danced with her tongue.


Megatron looks at the image of Susan in the screen as he remembers the night he forced himself on her. He loved her. And she was gone.

He knows deep inside what he did was wrong, yet he couldn't hold back. He felt disgusted at himself and at his dishonorable actions. However, out of their union a fruit was made and born. A fruit that caused the death of his beloved.

Susan, knew that fruit was of their union, yet she kept the child. Even after what he did to her, she decided to keep a child whose father hurt her and took a part of her.

Megatron looks at the image as his grits his dentas and tears up. The last time he cried was when his own brother-figure betrayed him and stole the primacy from him.

"My Lord."

" What?" Megatron mumbles as Starscream gulps and shows him the child's birth certificate which he found thanks to Soundwave's hacking skills.

"Stella Fowler." He tells Megatron as the Lord looks up finding the photo of Stella.

"What about the Prime's whore?! I'm trying to find my child!" He yells out to his second in command who points to the area listed as mother.

There it shows Susan listed as Stella's mother.

"Why is Susan listed as her mother?"

"M-My lord, based on research we found that Stella Fowler, Agent Fowler's supposed daughter is yours."

Megatron's optics widen as the news sinks in. His daughter is the woman whom Optimus has been with, and who may even have been fragging!

Optimus is with his daughter?!

"The Agent may have decided to raise the girl after Susan's death-"

Megatron's servos slam the wall scaring his second in command who stepped back and exited fearing the fury of the lord.

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