18-Doesn't Matter

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"How is she doing?" A worried Fowler asked Ratchet, as they waited outside of Stella's room.

"Not well, Fowler. She hasn't gotten out of bed and isn't eating well."

Fowler nods entering his daughter's room with a bowl of warm soup. His heart breaks at the sight of his heartbroken, worried, and lost daughter. Her usual brushed and tidy hair is now loose and tangled up in knots. Her disheveled form laid in the bed where she shared many nights with Optimus.

"Leave," She spits out angrily at her adoptive father.

"It's been two weeks Stella. You need to eat-"

"I need the father of my children," She tears up holding onto the pillow.

Fowler sits next to her side placing down the bowl on her nightstand. His hand caresses her tangled locks fearing for  his daughter's health.

"You both already lost one baby, Stella. I'm sure he would want you to keep on going for the other two."

Stella tears up holding onto the pillow tighter and burns her face deeper wishing to fall into a deep slumber.

"I'll leave you the soup here. You need to eat well for the children."

Fowler sighs kissing his daughter's forehead before walking out and meeting with a worried Ratchet.

"If she keeps up with this she might lose the other two. Based on what happened with her mother..."

Fowler gulps taking a deep breath and shakes his head not wanting Ratchet to say it.

"No, she won't. S-She's not going to die like Susan."


"My daughter will not die giving birth to her children!" Fowler yells out loud enough for Stella to hear.

"Now focus on bringing Prime back! And help my daughter!"

The worried father walks out leaving Ratchet worried for both.

"Choose them."

Ratchet turns to the opened bedroom door and sees Stella standing holding her belly.

"Choose my children over me."


"Please, Ratchet. I wouldn't want you to come to that, but I want my children to live."

"It won't come to that I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep. Promises are made so they can be broken. They don't matter."


Megatron glared at "Orion" as he busied himself with his work. He would've and wanted to killed him, but he didn't.

The only reason he didn't murder the mech who "betrayed" him, and impregnated his only child was cause of his pregnant child. As he raised his sword ready to bring an end to Optimus , the Prime looked up at him.

All Megatron saw was what the future held for him if he were to kill Optimus. Yes, he would win the war but at what prize? His daughter already hates him, however, for once she opened up to him. If he killed the love of her life, Stella would go mad in sadness and heartbreak.

Plus, the war wouldn't really be over due to her children with Optimus. If she delivers a son (or daughter) the Autobots would raise the child to hate their grand sire and to kill the mech who killed his father.

It didn't matter if he killed Optimus. Cause if he did the war wouldn't end and he would just make matters worse.


"What Orion?"

"Who's Stella?"

Megatron looks up at the screen and turns down at the Prime. Even with no memory his optics still looked at the photo of Stella with awe.

It didn't matter cause Optimus will always love Stella. And Stella will always love Optimus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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