chapter 1[ Distance]

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The best award in the Provincial College Art Exhibition once again fell on Xie Jiaran.

Xie Jiaran did not show any joy.

He accepted the trophy under the envious and adoring eyes of the whole class. As soon as the bell rang, he packed his things silently and quickly left the studio.

It was nearly ten minutes from the art building to the dormitory, so Xie Jiaran walked quickly and took shortcuts as much as possible.

His brows were furrowed slightly because of physical discomfort, and the corners of his mouth were straightened.

The skin all over his body was itching under the surface. It wasn't serious, but it made him very uncomfortable.

He held his wrist firmly, his neatly manicured nails digging into the skin on the inside of his wrist, using pain to suppress the untimely itching.

And a sudden strong desire to be touched.

Walking along the path behind the library, crossing the bridge, and passing through the narrow avenue, Xie Jiaran ran into several boys wearing jerseys and playing around.

The noise made by the cicadas was particularly noisy under the scorching heat, or maybe it was the reason why he was in such a bad state right now. The laughter made him extremely irritable.

His brows also furrowed deeper.

He tried his best to move aside, but he was inevitably hit in the arm by one of the boys who was too noisy.

"Ah, I'm sorry, are you okay?"

The boy quickly stood up and apologized. The hot breath from his body after exercise hit Xie Jiaran's cold white skin. The rejection was far greater than the satisfaction of that moment of skin-to-skin contact.


Xie Jia then took a half step back to distance himself. Seeing that the boy wanted to say something else, he seriously emphasized "I'm fine", walked straight around him, and left quickly.

"It's over, it's over, you are disliked by the school beauty."

Seeing the person walking away, the boy next to him made a joke: "Xie Xie, the school beauty, has such a severe mysophobia. If you touch him like this, you won't be able to wash your bald skin when you go back."

The name Xie Jiaran, the school beauty, originated from a voting event launched by a group of contemporary "model" college students who had just finished their final exams and had nothing to do last semester on the forum to elect the school beauty.

During this period, I don't know who made the mistake. Xie Jiaran's photo was mistakenly posted in the school beauty building. As a result, he led the way with high votes, beating the second place by more than 1,000 votes, and was crowned the school beauty.

When some students who were not involved heard about it, their first instinct was that everyone was joking maliciously. After opening the forum and taking a look, they immediately gave up this nonsense speculation.

I have to admit that he is indeed prettier than the girl in second place.

Fortunately, everyone has a sense of propriety when it comes to choosing and making trouble.

Knowing that Xie Jiaran had a cold temperament and was not easy to joke around with, his reputation as a school beauty was only used behind his back when he occasionally joked kindly, but never to the public.

"How can you be so exaggerated? I just took a shower this morning."

The boy who bumped into Xie Jiaran picked up his collar and sniffed in self-doubt. It didn't stink, right?

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