chapter 16 [Stupid or not?]

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Xie Jiaran leaned in Liang Sunian's arms in confusion.

He didn't realize what happened. He just felt that the howling was particularly familiar. He didn't suddenly come back to his senses until the other party called out his name brutally.

He hurriedly pulled Liang Sunian's arm: "Wait, let go first, this is my friend!"

Liang Sunian relaxed a little but didn't let go completely. He tilted his head and asked Xie Jiaran in confirmation: "Is he really your friend?"

Xie Jiaran nodded affirmatively: "Well, he is really my classmate. The drawing board you just used in the studio belongs to him."

Lin Shan followed and yelled: "My dear, please let go first. We have something to talk about. Don't be impulsive."

Liang Sunian finally let go of his hand with relief, his brows relaxed, and he put on an apologetic expression: "Hey, I'm sorry, classmate, are you okay?"

"Hey, it's okay."

Lin Shan bared his teeth and rubbed his wrists: "Fortunately, I can bear it with my rough skin and thick flesh, but my god, are you too vigilant? You subdued me with one move before I even touched you."

Liang Sunian smiled casually: "I can't help it. Accidents often happen in the dead of night, so it's better to be more vigilant."

Lin Shan thought of something, blinked and asked tentatively: "A perverted stalker on campus?"

Xie Jiaran: "?"

Liang Sunian raised his eyebrows, and Lin Shan understood, and said in a long voice: "So you know this too, the male god."

Liang Sunian nodded: "I heard some rumors some time ago."

The two of them went back and forth as if they were playing riddles. Xie Jiaran was confused: "What are you talking about?"

"The gangster sneaked into our school." Lin Shan explained to him: "I don't know where he hides during the day, but he runs around at night. He even blocked students several times in the past few days."

Seeing Xie Jiaran's slightly startled expression, Lin Shan thought he was frightened, and quickly comforted him: "I only heard about this today, but don't worry, that pervert has been caught and taken to the public security bureau."

"Caught today?" Liang Sunian asked.

"Yes." Lin Shan said, "Just this morning, it was hidden in the garbage dump next to the Ximen Old Bookstore. When it was dug out, it looked sloppy."

He clicked his tongue in disgust and brought the topic back to the beginning: "By the way, I also want to ask, why are you still hanging out so late?"

"Take a walk." Liang Sunian calmly took out his versatile rhetoric.

Lin Shan: "Just you two?"

Liang Sunian was about to answer when Xie Jiaran interrupted him and asked Lin Shan's question instead, "What about you, why haven't you returned to the dormitory at this time?"

Lin Shan is learning and selling now: "Me? I also take a walk~ I ate too much for dinner, I have to digest it."

Xie Jiaran: "Then did you have something to do with me just now?"

Lin Shan considered himself to be a sensible person. His eyes circled between the two of them. After understanding, he grinned: "No, what's the matter? I was just passing by and wanted to say hello to you."

Pretending to look down at the time, he said, "Hey, it's past ten o'clock. I still have to go find my boyfriend to get my coat. I'm going to leave now. You guys disperse slowly and slowly. Don't be in a hurry. There's still a while before the dormitory closes."

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